1. Effect of Pregnancy on Exosomes in the Uterus and Blood of Dairy Heifers Open Access Author: Klein, Alyssa Michelle Title: Effect of Pregnancy on Exosomes in the Uterus and Blood of Dairy Heifers Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: exosomesdairy heiferspregnancyperi-implantationuterine histotrophe File: Download Klein_Alyssa_exosomesandpregnancy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Troy Ott, Thesis SupervisorTroy Ott, Thesis SupervisorTroy Ott, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoy Lee Pate, Faculty Reader
2. Examination of Physical Activity Mode and Intensity Among Pregnant Women of Different Activity Levels Open Access Author: Sustakoski, Ashley Nicole Title: Examination of Physical Activity Mode and Intensity Among Pregnant Women of Different Activity Levels Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: pregnancyexercisephysical activity File: Download Ashley_Sustakoski_Thesis_FINAL Thesis Supervisors: Danielle Symons Downs, Thesis SupervisorDanielle Symons Downs, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: A systematic review Open Access Author: McLaughlin, Kaela Marie Title: Interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: A systematic review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: gestational weight gainpregnancyweight gaindietexercise File: Download Mclaughlin_Kaela_Interventions_to_Reduce.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kesha Avalon Baptiste Roberts, Thesis SupervisorDonna Marie Fick, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. The Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy with Regards to Socioeconomic Status and Pregnancy Perceptions Open Access Author: Klingler, Nicole Marie Title: The Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy with Regards to Socioeconomic Status and Pregnancy Perceptions Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: pregnancysocioeconomic statusteenage childbearing File: Download Thesis_FINAL_DRAFT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: D. Wayne Osgood, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Availability and intake of foods with naturally occurring or added vitamin D in a setting of high vitamin D deficiency Open Access Author: Cooper, Morgan Brittany Title: Availability and intake of foods with naturally occurring or added vitamin D in a setting of high vitamin D deficiency Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: vitamin DpregnancyBangladeshmilkfortificationnutrition File: Download Cooper_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison Diane Gernand, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Endometrium of Dairy Heifers During the Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy Open Access Author: Hartzell, Michelle Christina Title: Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Endometrium of Dairy Heifers During the Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: AHRembryonic losspregnancyendometriumdairy heifers File: Download Hartzell_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Troy Ott, Thesis SupervisorTroy Ott, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoy Lee Pate, Faculty Reader
7. The Interrelationships Between Sleep, Physical Activity, Psychological Well-Being, and Gestational Weight Gain in Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women Open Access Author: Rogers, Tara Catherine Title: The Interrelationships Between Sleep, Physical Activity, Psychological Well-Being, and Gestational Weight Gain in Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: pregnancyoverweightobesephysical activitysleepsleep disturbancespsychological healthstressdepressiongestational weight gainnappregnant women File: Download Rogers_Tara_Kinesiology.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Danielle Symons Downs, Thesis SupervisorDr. Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Social Miscarriage: Experiencing Pregnancy Loss on Social Media Open Access Author: Bert, Kayla Title: Social Miscarriage: Experiencing Pregnancy Loss on Social Media Area of Honors: Women's Studies Keywords: pregnancymiscarriagepregnancy lossabortionreproductive healthcarereproductive justicechoicefetal imageryfetal personhoodsocial mediaInstagramattitudesfeminismhealthcareanthropomorphism File: Download Bert_Thesis__Social_Miscarriage__2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Ann Wagner Lawlor, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Impact of racial microaggressions on outcomes in pregnancy (MOP) study Open Access Author: Swedberg, Claire Title: Impact of racial microaggressions on outcomes in pregnancy (MOP) study Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: microaggressionsmaternal healthallostatic loadpregnancyBIPOCrace and ethnicitybiobehavioral health File: Download C_Swedberg_final_thesis_submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Cousino Klein, Thesis SupervisorKari Christine Kugler, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Applied formative research investigating the multi-level determinants of Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation among pregnant women in Bangladesh and Madagascar – a biocultural perspective Open Access Author: Bruning, Rachel Title: Applied formative research investigating the multi-level determinants of Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation among pregnant women in Bangladesh and Madagascar – a biocultural perspective Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: maternal malnutritionMultiple Micronutrient SupplementationMMSMadagascarBangladeshpregnancy File: Download Bruning_Thesis_Spring_2022_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen R Kodish, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
11. Perinatal Outcomes of Infants Born to Women Living in Prison: A Systematic Review Open Access Author: Zheng, Nanda Title: Perinatal Outcomes of Infants Born to Women Living in Prison: A Systematic Review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: incarcerationprisonscorrectional facilitieswomen who are pregnant and living in prisonsperinatal outcomespregnancyinfantsbabiesnewbornsprenatal careperinatal carehealthcare File: Download Nanda_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erin Ann Kitt-Lewis, Thesis SupervisorCara L Exten, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. The Impact of Prenatal and Postpartum Vitamin D Supplementation on Cholecalciferol Concentrations in Breast Milk Open Access Author: Scott, Sarah Title: The Impact of Prenatal and Postpartum Vitamin D Supplementation on Cholecalciferol Concentrations in Breast Milk Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: cholecalciferolvitamin D supplementationpregnancylactationmaternalinfantBangladesh File: Download SScottThesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison D Gernand, Thesis SupervisorAlison D Gernand, Thesis Honors AdvisorGregory C Shearer, Faculty Reader