1. Censorship in the Chinese Media: Sichuan Earthquake Open Access Author: Perlow, Becky Title: Censorship in the Chinese Media: Sichuan Earthquake Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: chinacensorshipmediajournalistsdissidentpropagandacitizen journalism File: Download Becky_Perlow_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bu Zhong, Thesis SupervisorBu Zhong, Thesis SupervisorAnthony Barbieri, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Russo-Ukrainian hybrid war as portrayed through modern ukrainian literature Open Access Author: Cheatle, Jordynn Title: The Russo-Ukrainian hybrid war as portrayed through modern ukrainian literature Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Comparative Literature & Global and International Studies Keywords: RussiaUkrainewarhybridpropagandainformationcirculation File: Download THESIS_FINAL_COPY.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Yuliya Ladygina, Thesis SupervisorKrista Brune, Thesis Honors Advisor