1. Enhancing Team Creativity through Psychological Safety and P.A.S.S. Open Access Author: Cooperstein, Jessica Nicole Title: Enhancing Team Creativity through Psychological Safety and P.A.S.S. Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: creativityinnovationteamspsychological safetyP.A.S.S. File: Download Cooperstein_Jessica_teamcreativity.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Samuel Todd Hunter, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Study of Women’s Perceptions of Performance and Experience in All-Female and Mixed-Gender Engineering Teams Open Access Author: Kirban, Devyn Title: The Study of Women’s Perceptions of Performance and Experience in All-Female and Mixed-Gender Engineering Teams Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: engineeringteamscohesionpsychological safetyemotionsteamperformanceexperiencewomenall-femaleperceptionsSTEMdiversitygender File: Download Devyn_Kirban_s_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathryn Jablokow, Thesis SupervisorGary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Can I Get a Word In? The Impact of Turn-Taking and Gender Engineering Design Students' Psychological Safety Open Access Author: O'Connell, Abby Title: Can I Get a Word In? The Impact of Turn-Taking and Gender Engineering Design Students' Psychological Safety Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: psychological safetydesign teamsdesign theorycreativity and concept generation decision theory File: Download SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis SupervisorSanjay Joshi, Thesis Honors Advisor