1. Exploring the Passage of Immigration Legislation in the Modern Political Era Open Access Author: Fleischer, Rachel Sonia Title: Exploring the Passage of Immigration Legislation in the Modern Political Era Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: immigrantimmigrationimmigration legislationlegislative processpublic policylegislation File: Download FULL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Michael J Nelson, Thesis Supervisor
2. The Effect of a National Paid Family Leave Program on Formal Long-Term Care Spending in the U.S. Open Access Author: Richardsen, Lucas Title: The Effect of a National Paid Family Leave Program on Formal Long-Term Care Spending in the U.S. Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: paid family leavelong-term careactuarial sciencemodelingpublic policy File: Download Richardsen_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amanda W Hammell, Thesis SupervisorAmanda W Hammell, Thesis Honors AdvisorZhongyi Yuan, Faculty Reader
3. Determinants of state higher education board responsiveness: Affirmative action in state university admissions Open Access Author: Wu, Alexander Title: Determinants of state higher education board responsiveness: Affirmative action in state university admissions Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: political sciencepublic policyeducation policypublic opinionaffirmative action File: Download SchreyerThesis2022_Wu.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Zorn, Thesis SupervisorMatthew Richard Golder, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. An Economic Analysis of the Pink Tax Open Access Author: Kovalchick, Tori Title: An Economic Analysis of the Pink Tax Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: pink taxgender equalityprice discriminationexpenditure dataregression analysispublic policyconsumer behaviorpersonal care products File: Download Kovalchick_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Conor Ryan, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader