1. salt triggered detection and polymer deposition: towards the repair of microcracks Open Access Author: Meckler, Stephen Matthew Title: salt triggered detection and polymer deposition: towards the repair of microcracks Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: crack repairquantum dotsself-healing polymersdiffusion flowsemulsion File: Download Stephen_Meckler_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ayusman Sen, Thesis SupervisorPrzemyslaw Maslak, Thesis Honors AdvisorThomas E Mallouk, Faculty Reader
2. Mineral Replacement Reactions Enabled through Electrokinetic Fluid Flow within Pores Open Access Author: Mays, Benjamin E Title: Mineral Replacement Reactions Enabled through Electrokinetic Fluid Flow within Pores Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: mineralreplacementelectrokineticsdiffusiophoresispseudomorphicpotassiumbromidechlorideion exchangequantum dots File: Download Ben_Mays_Honors_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell Velegol, Thesis SupervisorThemis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor