1. A Search for Breathing of the Broad-Line Region of Quasars Open Access Author: Kauma, Katherine Title: A Search for Breathing of the Broad-Line Region of Quasars Area of Honors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords: astronomyastrophysicsextragalacticactive galactic nucleiquasarbroad-line regionbreathing File: Download kauma_honors_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Eracleous, Thesis SupervisorJane Camilla Charlton, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Variability of Skewed, Flat-Topped, and Boxy Broad Balmer Line Profiles in Quasar Spectra Open Access Author: Memon, Mustafa Title: Variability of Skewed, Flat-Topped, and Boxy Broad Balmer Line Profiles in Quasar Spectra Area of Honors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords: astronomyastrophysicsquasaraccretion diskH beta File: Download Memon_Mustafa_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Eracleous, Thesis SupervisorSteinn Sigurdsson, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Playing Devil's Advocate with Supermassive Black Hole Binaries Open Access Author: Kaldor, Mary Title: Playing Devil's Advocate with Supermassive Black Hole Binaries Area of Honors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords: Supermassive black hole binariesaccretion diskline profileSDSSPythonFortranblack holebinaryquasarPearson skewness coefficientpeak velocity shift File: Download Kaldor-Mary-Schreyer-Thesis-2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Eracleous, Thesis SupervisorAlexander Wolszczan, Thesis Honors Advisor