1. Traditional-style vs. Roth-style 401k Plans: Calculating the Optimal Savings Rate for Consumption-smoothing Open Access Author: Bader, David Andrew Title: Traditional-style vs. Roth-style 401k Plans: Calculating the Optimal Savings Rate for Consumption-smoothing Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: financeretirementsavings401kconsumption-smoothing File: Download FINAL_Version_of_Thesis_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorLouis Gattis Jr., Faculty Reader
2. Investor Consideration of Expense: an Analysis of the State-sponsored Section § 529 College Savings Plan Market Open Access Author: Egan, Michael Title: Investor Consideration of Expense: an Analysis of the State-sponsored Section § 529 College Savings Plan Market Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: collegesavings529529 college savingssavings planexpensefeesfundsfinance File: Download Egan_Michael_INVESTOR_CONSIDERATION_OF_EXPENSE_AN_ANALYSIS_OF_THE_STATE_SPONSORED_SECTION__529_COLLEGE_SAVINGS_PLAN_MARKET.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. George David Haushalter, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Social Security Reform: Assessing the Impact of the Rising Social Security Cap on Savings and Investment Open Access Author: Mylavarapu, Kumar Anirudh Title: Social Security Reform: Assessing the Impact of the Rising Social Security Cap on Savings and Investment Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Social SecurityTaxable earnings capsavingsinvestmentco-integrationunit rootsstationarityhousehold level datalogistic modelsocial security reform File: Download Mylavarapu_KumarAnirudh_SocialSecurity.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Kagundu, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor