1. Drivers Ed: A Feature Screenplay Open Access Author: Wade, Chase Title: Drivers Ed: A Feature Screenplay Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: screenwritingscreenplayscriptfilmproductionvideodrivers edwritingmovie File: Download ChaseWadeThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rod Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorRod Bingaman, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Shea, Faculty Reader
2. The Stacks: A Feature Screenplay Open Access Author: Ross, Shannon Title: The Stacks: A Feature Screenplay Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: screenplayscreenwritingscriptfilmtrue crimemysterycoming of agefilm production File: Download ShannonRossThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rod Bingaman, Thesis SupervisorRod Bingaman, Thesis Honors AdvisorMaura Shea, Faculty Reader