1. Exploring Midi Sequencing Software as a Score Study Tool for Ensemble Conductors Open Access Author: Judge, Jared Scott Title: Exploring Midi Sequencing Software as a Score Study Tool for Ensemble Conductors Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: Musiceducationconductingensembleorchestrabandchoirscore studysequencingtechnologygaragebandlogic pronotationmidi File: Download Judge_Jared_exploringmidisequencing.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Orrin Richard Bundy Jr., Thesis SupervisorJoanne Rutkowski, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. High Throughput Sequencing of Forensically Relevant Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Open Access Author: Shugarts, Nathan Maxwell Title: High Throughput Sequencing of Forensically Relevant Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Area of Honors: Forensic Science Keywords: forensicmolecularbiologysinglenucleotidepolymorphismhistoryhighthroughputsequencingMiSeqIlluminaForenSeq File: Download Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jenifer A L Smith, Thesis SupervisorJenifer A L Smith, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Mitchell Mark Holland, Faculty Reader
3. Exploring the Specialization of Expansion Segments in Stage-Specific Plasmodium Ribosomes Open Access Author: Wardeh, Leena Title: Exploring the Specialization of Expansion Segments in Stage-Specific Plasmodium Ribosomes Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: malariaparasitesparasitologymolecular biologyribosomesribosomal specializationexpansion segmentsLeena WardehScott LindnerJames McGeeAllen MinnsRNADNARNA probespolyacrylamide geltranscriptiontranslationelectroelutionbiotinylationsequencingEMSA File: Download Exploring_the_Specialization_of_Expansion_Segments_in___Temporally_Expressed_Plasmodium_Ribosomes_-_Leena_Wardeh_s_Schreyer_Honors_College_Thesis_Spring_2024.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Scott E. Lindner, Thesis SupervisorTimothy J Jegla, Thesis Honors Advisor