1. Physical and Social Dominance in Mate Choice Open Access Author: Rotella, Michelle Anne Title: Physical and Social Dominance in Mate Choice Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: contest competitionmate choicesexual selectionevolutionevolutionary psychologyanthropology File: Download rotellafinalthesisfinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Andrew Puts, Thesis SupervisorDavid Andrew Puts, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Total Sexual Selection on Men's Voices Open Access Author: Bundy, Jason Nyerere Title: Total Sexual Selection on Men's Voices Area of Honors: Bachelor of Philosophy Keywords: voicessexual dimorphismpitchmonotonicityformantspitch variationattractivenessdominancesexual selection File: Download Bundy_Jason_totalsexualselection2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Andrew Puts, Thesis SupervisorRichard Jon Stoller, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Dimensionality of the Mating Environment Predicts Male Combat and Sexual Coercion in Turtles Open Access Author: Mckinnon, Leela Title: The Dimensionality of the Mating Environment Predicts Male Combat and Sexual Coercion in Turtles Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: Contest competitiondimensionality hypothesissexual selectionsexual coercionTestudines File: Download McKinnon_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Andrew Puts, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. THE COST OF SWIPING RIGHT: AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SURVEY OF COLLEGE CAMPUS ONLINE DATING PATTERNS Open Access Author: Gamel, Tori Title: THE COST OF SWIPING RIGHT: AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SURVEY OF COLLEGE CAMPUS ONLINE DATING PATTERNS Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: surveyanthropologydating appscollege studentssexual selectionmate selectionhuman behaviorsignaling File: Download Gamel._Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Douglas Bird, Thesis SupervisorDouglas Bird, Thesis Honors AdvisorRebecca Bliege Bird, Faculty Reader