1. The Vocal Technique of the Verdi Baritone Open Access Author: Carpenter, John Curran Title: The Vocal Technique of the Verdi Baritone Area of Honors: Music Keywords: singingbaritoneverditechniquevocalbastianinimacneilruffoprottisanderscarpenter File: Download Thesis.zipDownload Carpenter_John_The_Vocal_Technique_of_the_Verdi_Baritone.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Charles Dowell Youmans, Thesis SupervisorMark Edward Ballora, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Well Rounded Singer: An Honors Thesis Recital Open Access Author: Hendler, Kelsey Anne Title: The Well Rounded Singer: An Honors Thesis Recital Area of Honors: Music Keywords: voicevocal pedagogymusicmusic educationpop musica cappellamusical theatrerecitalsinging File: Download hendler_kelsey_thewellroundedsinger.pdfDownload hendler_kelsey_classical.mp4Download hendler_kelsey_musical_theatre.mp4Download hendler_kelsey_choral.mp4Download hendler_kelsey_acappella.mp4 Thesis Supervisors: Fenner Spivey III, Thesis SupervisorDr. Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Describing your Voice: Viewpoints from Pre-Professional Singing Voice Users Open Access Author: Peagler, Michael Title: Describing your Voice: Viewpoints from Pre-Professional Singing Voice Users Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: voicepreprofessional voiceprofessional voicevoice carecollege voice trainingsingingsinging voice File: Download DESCRIBING_YOUR_VOICE-_VIEWPOINTS_FROM_PRE-PROFESSIONAL_SINGING_VOICE_USERS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nicole Michele Etter, Thesis SupervisorCarol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor