1. Urban Wellness: Towards Restorative Environments in Hospitals Open Access Author: Bartels, Catherine Therese Title: Urban Wellness: Towards Restorative Environments in Hospitals Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: architectureschreyerhospitalshealthcareevidence-based designenvironmental psychologykossmanrestorativeneuroscienceenvironmenthealthphiladelphianorth centralgirard avenuewayfindingpatientswellnessdaylightinglandscapesense of placesocial interactionurban architecturepatientrecoveryuninsuredunderinsuredhealinghealing spaces File: Download FINAL_Thesis_Book_SHC_Version.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jawaid Haider, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors AdvisorJawaid Haider, Thesis Supervisor
2. Effects of Multimodal Learning on Elementary School Aged Children Open Access Author: Harmon, Jessica Nicole Title: Effects of Multimodal Learning on Elementary School Aged Children Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: multimodallearningelementaryartsmodessocial interaction File: Download Harmon_Jessica_EffectsofMultimodalLearningOnElementarySchoolAgedChildren.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph M Valente, Thesis SupervisorStephanie Cayot Serriere, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Assessing Social Relationships of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Rural Areas: Family Perceptions Open Access Author: Tucker, Israel Title: Assessing Social Relationships of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Rural Areas: Family Perceptions Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: cerebral palsysocial interactionaacalternative and augmentative communicationrural areaspeer interactionsnonverbalcomplex disabilities File: Download Assessing_Social_Relationships_of_Children_with_Cerebral_Palsy_in_Rural_Areas_Family_Perceptions.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maryanne Mong Cramer, Thesis SupervisorLaura Rotunno, Thesis Honors Advisor