1. Influence of Social Networks and Support on Access to Health Insurance among Mexican Foreign-born Adults Open Access Author: Leighton, Cassandra Lynn Title: Influence of Social Networks and Support on Access to Health Insurance among Mexican Foreign-born Adults Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: social networkshealth insurancemexican File: Download Cassandra_Leighton_Sociology_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Orendovici, Razvan Title: SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: social networkssocial network analysisadversarial networkssimulationsterrorist networksgraph theorynetwork theorynetwork developmentnetwork evolution File: Download Razvan_Orendovici_Thesis_SHC_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Frank Edward Ritter, Thesis SupervisorFrank Edward Ritter, Thesis SupervisorLee David Coraor, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A qualitative study on first-semester Penn State women's social networks, drinking patterns, and risk for sexual assault Open Access Author: Love, Gillian Ashley Romberger Title: A qualitative study on first-semester Penn State women's social networks, drinking patterns, and risk for sexual assault Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: college transitionsocial networksdrinking patternshooking upsexual assault File: Download Love_Gillian_AQualitativeStudy.pdf.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patricia Barthalow Koch, Thesis SupervisorDr. James Harold Marden, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Faculty Reader
4. Factors Influencing Responses to Health Behavior Change Posts on Social Media Open Access Author: Reno, Corbin Franklin Title: Factors Influencing Responses to Health Behavior Change Posts on Social Media Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: social mediasocial supportFacebooktheory of planned behaviorsocial networksaudience responsehealth behavior change File: Download 1-Factors_Influencing_Responses_to_Health_Behavior_Change_Posts_on_Social_Media.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erika S Poole, Thesis SupervisorIrene Johnston Petrick, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Social Network Ties and Weight Status: Mechanisms, Individual Differences, and Health-Related Implications Open Access Author: Harris, Grace Title: Social Network Ties and Weight Status: Mechanisms, Individual Differences, and Health-Related Implications Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: homophilyweight biasBMIMTurksocial networksweight status File: Download GH_Thesis_Official.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua Morrison Smyth, Thesis SupervisorHelen Marie Kamens, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Subjective Experience of the Female Inmate Open Access Author: Scipioni, Marina Casandra Title: The Subjective Experience of the Female Inmate Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: female inmateperceived severityfamily tiesrelationshipsfriendshipssocial networkssentence lengthqualitativeinterviews File: Download The_Subjective_Experience_of_the_Female_Inmate.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lecinda Marie Yevchak, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Economies: A Study on the Effects of Machismo on Women Entrepreneurs in Manizales, Colombia Open Access Author: Dhruva, Isha Title: Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Economies: A Study on the Effects of Machismo on Women Entrepreneurs in Manizales, Colombia Area of Honors: Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Keywords: machismowomen entrepreneurshipsocial networkschild caredouble burdenpatriarchal heirachiesgender violencedomestic expectations File: Download Isha_Dhruva_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Charlene Zietsma, Thesis SupervisorForrest Briscoe, Thesis Honors Advisor