1. Mutual Aid Networks as Catalysts for Social Change in Post-Industrial Pittsburgh Open Access Author: Simon, Mallory Title: Mutual Aid Networks as Catalysts for Social Change in Post-Industrial Pittsburgh Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: social welfareanthropologysocial support File: Download Thesis_-_Mallory_Simon.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, Thesis SupervisorLaurel Nichole Pearson, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Immigration, Social Welfare, and Populism in the Swedish Case After 1930s Open Access Author: Vine, Mae Title: Immigration, Social Welfare, and Populism in the Swedish Case After 1930s Area of Honors: History Keywords: immigrationSwedensocial welfarepopulismSweden DemocratsEuropean migration crisisfar-right File: Download Vine_Mae_SwedenDemocrats.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tobias Heinrich Albert Brinkmann, Thesis SupervisorCathleen Denise Cahill, Thesis Honors Advisor