1. Kant and the Need of Reason Open Access Author: Xanthis, Andrew John Title: Kant and the Need of Reason Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: Kanttranscendentalmoral lawspacedifferencefinitude File: Download XanthisFinal_R.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Mensch, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Mensch, Thesis SupervisorVincent M Colapietro, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Orbital Maneuvers in Astrodynamics Open Access Author: Trageser, Katherine Helen Title: Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Orbital Maneuvers in Astrodynamics Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: optimizationorbitparticleswarmmaneuvertransferthrustinclinationspaceastrodynamics File: Download Trageser_Katherine_ParticleSwarm.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Graham Melton, Thesis SupervisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Bradley Spencer, Faculty Reader
3. Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Finite Thrust Transfers between Two Circular Non-coplanar Orbits Open Access Author: Flanagan, Peter Thomas Title: Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Finite Thrust Transfers between Two Circular Non-coplanar Orbits Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: ParticleSwarmOptimizationfinitethrustnon-coplanarcircularorbitsswarmintelligenceschemespacetrajectories File: Download Flanagan_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Graham Melton, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Bradley Spencer, Faculty ReaderDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty Reader
4. The Qualification and Acceptance Testing of Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Thrusters Open Access Author: Morgan, Kara Lee Title: The Qualification and Acceptance Testing of Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Thrusters Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: propulsionhydrogen peroxideperoxiderocketspaceaerospace File: Download SchreyerThesis_kmorgan_v3.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Philip John Morris, Thesis SupervisorPhilip John Morris, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Injector Redesign for a Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Thruster Open Access Author: Wehner, Matthew Donald Title: Injector Redesign for a Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Thruster Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: propulsionrocketspaceaerospaceperoxideinjectorflow File: Download Wehner_SHCThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rui Ni, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Cartography of Power in Greek Epic: Homer's Odyssey & The Reception of Homeric Geographies in the Hellenistic and Imperial Periods Open Access Author: Skoutelas, Charissa Martha Title: The Cartography of Power in Greek Epic: Homer's Odyssey & The Reception of Homeric Geographies in the Hellenistic and Imperial Periods Area of Honors: Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Keywords: HomerAncient Greek epiccartographygeographypowerOdysseyArgonauticaDionysius Periegesisthresholdgenderclassreceptionspaceplace File: Download Skoutelas_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna Irene Peterson, Thesis SupervisorErin Mc Kenna Hanses, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. System Control for Autonomous Thermal-Vacuum Operations Open Access Author: Dailey, Elizabeth Title: System Control for Autonomous Thermal-Vacuum Operations Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: control systemspacelabview File: Download Elizabeth_Dailey_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sven G Bilén, Thesis SupervisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. LLRU - Designing for Future Flexibility on the Lunar Landscape Open Access Author: Ferreri, Andrew Title: LLRU - Designing for Future Flexibility on the Lunar Landscape Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: architecturespace architecturelunarmoonspacellrulunar typologyminingrockets File: Download ferreri_schreyer_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darla V Lindberg, Thesis SupervisorOrsolya Gaspar, Thesis Honors Advisor