1. Inter-Rater Reliability for the Judged Accentedness of English Bilinguals Open Access Author: Sigmund, Rachel Marie Title: Inter-Rater Reliability for the Judged Accentedness of English Bilinguals Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: bilingualsspeech perceptionlearning behaviorsskill-assessmentinter-rater reliability File: Download Final_Thesis_Rachel_M._Sigmund.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David A. Rosenbaum, Thesis SupervisorDavid A. Rosenbaum, Thesis SupervisorJudith Fran Kroll, Faculty ReaderDavid A. Rosenbaum, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. You say tomate [h], I hear tomates: Effects of phonetic variation instruction on L2 comprehension Open Access Author: Otto, Christianna Title: You say tomate [h], I hear tomates: Effects of phonetic variation instruction on L2 comprehension Area of Honors: Linguistics Keywords: linguisticsspeech perceptionpronunciation instruction File: Download SENIOR_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matthew Thomas Carlson, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Speech perception of /s/-leniting Spanish Dialects by late English-Spanish bilinguals Open Access Author: Reichard, Caitlin Elizabeth Title: Speech perception of /s/-leniting Spanish Dialects by late English-Spanish bilinguals Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: second language aquisitionspeech perceptiondialectal variationperceptual learningbilingualsSpanish File: Download Reichard_Caitlin_Speech_Perception_of_s-leniting_Spanish_Dialects_by_late_English-Spanish_bilinguals.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matthew Thomas Carlson, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. An Analysis of the Perception and Production of Deaf Accented Speech Open Access Author: Gleba, Grace Title: An Analysis of the Perception and Production of Deaf Accented Speech Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: hearing lossdeaf accentdeaf speechauditory feedbackspeech perceptionspeech productionquality of liferehabilitation File: Download Gleba_Grace_AnAnalysisofthePerceptionandProductionofDeafAccentedSpeech.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anne J Olmstead, Thesis SupervisorCarol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Effect of Speaker Voice and Background Language on Spoken Word Recall Open Access Author: El-Dinary, Amira Title: Effect of Speaker Voice and Background Language on Spoken Word Recall Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: speech perceptionpsycholinguisticsword recallword memoryrecallmemorybackground languagespeech-in-speechtalker-specific effectslinguistic release from maskingmaskingauditory maskingword learningword comprehensionlanguage comprehensionlanguage learning File: Download El-DinaryHonorsThesis2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Navin Viswanathan, Thesis SupervisorCarol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Interactive Effects on Speech Perception Open Access Author: Gryskevicz, Amanda Title: Interactive Effects on Speech Perception Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: speech perceptionspeech processinglinguistic release from maskingknown voice effectbackground noisecognitive psychology File: Download AGG_Final_Thesis_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Navin Viswanathan, Thesis SupervisorCarol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor