1. INTERSECTIONALITY AND ABORTION LEGISLATION: WOMEN LEGISLATORS, RACE AND 2010-2013 STATE ABORTION LAWS Open Access Author: Giotto, Gabriella Nicole Title: INTERSECTIONALITY AND ABORTION LEGISLATION: WOMEN LEGISLATORS, RACE AND 2010-2013 STATE ABORTION LAWS Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Intersectionalitywomenpoliticsabortionstate legislaturestate abortion policywomen of colorrace20112013United StatesBlack womencommitteeincorporation File: Download GiottoFinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Effects of Legislative Ideological Polarization, Institutional Structures of State Legislatures, and State Supreme Courts on State Congressional Overrides, 2005-2018 Open Access Author: Ousey, Teresa Title: The Effects of Legislative Ideological Polarization, Institutional Structures of State Legislatures, and State Supreme Courts on State Congressional Overrides, 2005-2018 Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Political Sciencestate politicsstate legislaturestate highest court of appealscongressional overridelegislative polarization File: Download Ousey__Teresa_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael J Nelson, Thesis SupervisorDouglas Lemke, Thesis Honors Advisor