1. Take Me There An Exploration of Narrative Structure in Virtual Reality Open Access Author: Palumbo, David Title: Take Me There An Exploration of Narrative Structure in Virtual Reality Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary Digital Studio Keywords: vrvirtual realitynarrativevirtualrealitystorytellingstorygamedesigngamemaking File: Download Palumbo_HonorsThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew T Hieronymi, Thesis SupervisorSimone Osthoff, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Roll for Story: Tabletop Roleplaying Games as a Tool for Storytelling Education Open Access Author: Yoder, Caleb Kenneth Title: Roll for Story: Tabletop Roleplaying Games as a Tool for Storytelling Education Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary Digital Studio Keywords: tabletop rpgstorytellingcreativewritingrpgd&dgaming File: Download Yoder_Caleb_rollforstory.pdfDownload Yoder_Caleb_rollforstory_episodes_v2_lowres.mp4 Thesis Supervisors: Andrew T Hieronymi, Thesis SupervisorSimone Osthoff, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Tracing Trauma Through the Generations in Toni Morrison, Art Spiegelman, and Linda Hogan Open Access Author: Shroba, Abigail Title: Tracing Trauma Through the Generations in Toni Morrison, Art Spiegelman, and Linda Hogan Area of Honors: English Keywords: traumastorytellinggenerationsMorrisonSpiegelmanHogan File: Download Shroba_Abigail_TracingTraumaThroughtheGenerations.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Edmond Marsh, Thesis SupervisorDr. Xiaoye You, Thesis Honors Advisor