1. THE SWITCHING POINT WITHIN 401K TAXATION STRUCTURES Open Access Author: Runk, Adam D Title: THE SWITCHING POINT WITHIN 401K TAXATION STRUCTURES Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: 401ktaxationstrategyRothTraditionalSocial Securityamortization File: Download Final_Thesis_Excel.xlsxDownload Runk_Adam_Switchingpointwithin401ktaxationstructures.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorTimothy T Simin, Faculty ReaderJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. LIFTING THE BASE OF THE PYRAMID: WHEN SOCIOLOGY AND BIG BUSINESS UNITE Open Access Author: Lewandowski, David Alan Title: LIFTING THE BASE OF THE PYRAMID: WHEN SOCIOLOGY AND BIG BUSINESS UNITE Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Marketing and Sociology Keywords: sociologymarketingbig businesspovertyprofitsinnovationeducationintegrationBase of the Pyramidstrategyglobal File: Download David_Alan_Lewandowski_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Johann Baumgartner, Thesis SupervisorJohann Baumgartner, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Intersection of Corporate Culture and Strategy: A Case Study of Multinational Engineering Firms Open Access Author: Stavrakos, Michael Lawrence Title: The Intersection of Corporate Culture and Strategy: A Case Study of Multinational Engineering Firms Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: corporatenationalculturebusinessstrategycasestudysiemensfordtoyota File: Download Mike_Stavrakos_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Litzinger, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. A Discussion of Theory and Best Practices in M&A Execution Open Access Author: Shekher, Nikhil Justin Title: A Discussion of Theory and Best Practices in M&A Execution Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: mergersacquisitionsstrategyexecution File: Download Shekher_Nikhil_A_Discussion_of_Theory_and_Best_Practices_in_MA_Execution.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Jason Lunn, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Faculty Reader
5. Let's Make it a True Daily Double: Wagering to Win on Jeopardy! Open Access Author: Birch, Paul Title: Let's Make it a True Daily Double: Wagering to Win on Jeopardy! Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: Jeopardy!quiz showwageringsimulationgame theorystrategy File: Download Paul_Birch_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Matthew Logan Reimherr, Thesis SupervisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Amazon's Acquisition of Dollar General: A Strategic, Logistical, and Financial Analysis of the Proposal Open Access Author: Ator, Gabrielle Antonia Title: Amazon's Acquisition of Dollar General: A Strategic, Logistical, and Financial Analysis of the Proposal Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: AmazonDollar GeneralacquisitionstrategyZapposWhole FoodsDiapers.comlogisticalfinancialin-storeonlineretaile-tailmarket-share File: Download Ator_-_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Alexander Novack, Thesis SupervisorJohn C Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. It’s Nice To Have A Friend: Human Brand Parasocial Relationship Building and Marketing Implications from the Taylor Swift Brand Open Access Author: Sliver, Caroline Title: It’s Nice To Have A Friend: Human Brand Parasocial Relationship Building and Marketing Implications from the Taylor Swift Brand Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: Taylor Swiftmarketingbrandstrategyparasocial relationshipsparasocialparasocialityPSRbrand strategyTaylorSwiftPSI-Process Scalehuman brandshuman brandqualitative dataqualitativecontent analysismusician File: Download Caroline_M._Sliver_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohanna H Slot, Faculty Reader