1. SHIFTING WORLD VIEWS: SAUDI STUDENTS LIVING AND STUDYING ABROAD Open Access Author: Al Thowaini, Assma M Title: SHIFTING WORLD VIEWS: SAUDI STUDENTS LIVING AND STUDYING ABROAD Area of Honors: Teaching English as a Second Language Keywords: Saudistudy abroadidentityviewsEnglishforeign language education File: Download SHIFTING_WORLD_VIEWS_Assma_Al_Thowaini.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karen E Johnson, Thesis SupervisorKaren E Johnson, Thesis SupervisorJoan Kelly Hall, Thesis Honors AdvisorSusan G Strauss, Faculty ReaderCeleste S Kinginger, Faculty Reader
2. Student Perceptions of the Impact of their Study Abroad Experiences Open Access Author: Muscato, Alison Jennifer Title: Student Perceptions of the Impact of their Study Abroad Experiences Area of Honors: Community, Environment, and Development Keywords: study abroadinternationalimpacttravelmotivation File: Download Muscato_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theodore Roberts Alter, Thesis SupervisorTheodore Roberts Alter, Thesis Honors AdvisorAnouk Patel, Faculty Reader
3. The Difficulties of Measuring Language Proficiency in a Study Abroad Context Open Access Author: Shtivelman, Ilana Title: The Difficulties of Measuring Language Proficiency in a Study Abroad Context Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: study abroadlanguage proficiencycommunicative capacityintellectual curiosityhome stayinteractionWTCL2 File: Download SCHREYER_HONORS_THESIS_4-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Lipski, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorCeleste S Kinginger, Faculty Reader
4. The Role of Leisure Activities during Study Abroad Open Access Author: Mannix, Grace Title: The Role of Leisure Activities during Study Abroad Area of Honors: Recreation and Park Management Keywords: study abroadleisureextracurricular activitiesrecreation File: Download Mannix_Grace_LeisureAbroad.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brendan Derrick Taff, Thesis Honors Advisor