1. The effect of Symbiodinium spp. symbiont diversity on coral host performance Open Access Author: Abidi, Nadia Yasmin Title: The effect of Symbiodinium spp. symbiont diversity on coral host performance Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Acropora palmatazooxanthellaesymbiosis File: Download Thesis_FINAL_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Iliana Brigitta Baums, Thesis SupervisorIliana Brigitta Baums, Thesis SupervisorDr. Bernhard Lüscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Potential Viral Symbiont in Leaf Cutter Ant System Open Access Author: Jethon, Annalise M Title: Potential Viral Symbiont in Leaf Cutter Ant System Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: virustotivirusLeucoagaricus gongylophorusmutualismsymbiosisleaf cutter antsAttini ant systemAttini File: Download FINAL_thesis_Jethon.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marilyn J Roossinck, Thesis SupervisorBenoit A Dayrat, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Investigating Strain Level Diversity Among Natural Co-Isolated Vibrio Fischeri Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Harter, Rachel Title: Investigating Strain Level Diversity Among Natural Co-Isolated Vibrio Fischeri Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: transformationbacteriastrain diversitygenomicgeneticvibrio fischerisymbiosismutualismeuprymna scolopesmicrobiologymolecular biologybiochemistryquorum sensing File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Timothy Iwao Miyashiro, Thesis SupervisorWendy Hanna-Rose, Thesis Honors Advisor