1. CREATING A PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING UNIT: HOW CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AFFECTS SCIENCE TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDINGS OF REFORM-BASED PEDAGOGIES Open Access Author: Tang, Cecilia Han-Lian Title: CREATING A PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING UNIT: HOW CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AFFECTS SCIENCE TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDINGS OF REFORM-BASED PEDAGOGIES Area of Honors: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: problem-based learningscience teachingteacher beliefsPBLcurriculum development File: Download Tang_No_Seriously_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Scott P McDonald, Thesis SupervisorDr. Scott P McDonald, Thesis SupervisorGregory John Kelly, Faculty ReaderDr. Scott P McDonald, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. INVESTIGATING TEACHER VALUES AND BELIEFS IN THE CONTEXT OF UPSIDE- DOWN TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS Open Access Author: Krott, Rachel M Title: INVESTIGATING TEACHER VALUES AND BELIEFS IN THE CONTEXT OF UPSIDE- DOWN TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: Upside-down teachingproblems-based teachingquestioningtask choiceteacher valuesteacher beliefssecondary mathematics education File: Download Krott_Rachel_UpsideDownTeaching.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Edith Frances Arbaugh, Thesis SupervisorDr. Edith Frances Arbaugh, Thesis Honors AdvisorAndrea Vujan McCloskey, Faculty Reader
3. Language in the Classroom: Examining Teacher Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Multilingual Learning Open Access Author: Harper, Abigail Title: Language in the Classroom: Examining Teacher Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Multilingual Learning Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: multilingual learnersteacher beliefsteacher preparationinclusionbelonginglanguage File: Download Harper_Abigail_Language_in_the_Classroom_Examining_Teacher_Perspectives_and_Experiences_Regarding_Multilingual_Learning.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Allison Sterling Henward, Thesis SupervisorAshley Nichol Patterson, Faculty ReaderAllison Sterling Henward, Thesis Honors Advisor