1. Dye Uptake in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Open Access Author: Thakur, Tanvi Title: Dye Uptake in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: thin filmsolar cellsdye uptakeefficiency File: Download ThakurDSSCThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark William Horn, Thesis SupervisorMark William Horn, Thesis SupervisorChristine Masters, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
2. Conversion of Thin Film Germanium to Germanium Telluride and Probing the Catalytic Properties of Nanoparticle Gold/iron-oxide Heterodimers Open Access Author: Schrenk, Michael G Title: Conversion of Thin Film Germanium to Germanium Telluride and Probing the Catalytic Properties of Nanoparticle Gold/iron-oxide Heterodimers Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: thin filmgermaniumgermanium telluridegoldiron-oxideoxidationcatalystnanoparticleheterodimer File: Download Schrenk_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Raymond Edward Schaak, Thesis SupervisorRaymond Lee Funk, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Correlation of Processing Variables with Properties of Two-dimensional Tungsten Diselenide Fabricated via Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Open Access Author: Hossain, Lorraine Amena Title: Correlation of Processing Variables with Properties of Two-dimensional Tungsten Diselenide Fabricated via Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: materials science & engineeringsynthesisthin film2D materialsanalysis & characterizationelectronic & optical materials File: Download Hossain_Lorraine_CorrelationofProcessingVariableswithPropertiesof2DWSe2FabricatedviaMOCVD.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua Alexander Robinson, Thesis SupervisorElizabeth Rader Kupp, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. SHAPE MEMORY EFFECT IN ULTRA-THIN NICKEL TITANIUM ALLOY FILMS DEPOSITED BY BIASED TARGET ION BEAM DEPOSITION Open Access Author: Tang, Yuan Title: SHAPE MEMORY EFFECT IN ULTRA-THIN NICKEL TITANIUM ALLOY FILMS DEPOSITED BY BIASED TARGET ION BEAM DEPOSITION Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: nitinickeltitaniumbtibdbiased target ion beam depositionthin filmfast actuationmemsshape memory alloys File: Download thesis_yuan.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark William Horn, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Investigation of amorphous thin films using electrically detected magnetic resonance Open Access Author: Mclemore, Charles Armand Title: Investigation of amorphous thin films using electrically detected magnetic resonance Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: thin filmmagnetic resonancezero-fieldmagnetoresistanceamorphousvariable range hoppingspin dependenttrap assisted tunnelingelectrically detected magnetic resonance File: Download McLemore_Charles_AmorphousFilmEDMR.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Patrick M Lenahan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Patrick M Lenahan, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Faculty Reader
6. Flexible Pressure Sensor Fabrication Using a Silver Film Capacitor Open Access Author: Metts, Grant Lawrence Title: Flexible Pressure Sensor Fabrication Using a Silver Film Capacitor Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: PressureSensorthin filmflexiblesilver filmcapacitor File: Download Senior_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Huanyu Cheng, Thesis SupervisorSulin Zhang, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Development of a Methodology for Cryogenic Seebeck and Nernst Coefficient Measurements Open Access Author: Munyan, Simon Title: Development of a Methodology for Cryogenic Seebeck and Nernst Coefficient Measurements Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: seebecknernstlow temperaturecryogeniccoefficientsthermoelectricsthin filmmethod of four coefficientstransport File: Download munyan_simon_Development_of_a_Methodology_for_Cryogenic_Seebeck_and_Nernst_Coefficient_Measurements.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Roman Engel-Herbert, Thesis SupervisorRobert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor