1. Predicting Which Banks Can Survive The Threat of Bankruptcy using Pooled Cross Sectional Time Series Regression Analysis Open Access Author: Cook, Justin Michael Title: Predicting Which Banks Can Survive The Threat of Bankruptcy using Pooled Cross Sectional Time Series Regression Analysis Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: pooled regressionbinomial regressionEd Altman's Z-Scorefinancial distressprediction of bankruptcytime seriesSIC code File: Download Justin_Cook_-_Finance_Thesis_for_the_Schreyer_Honors_College_-_Spring_2013.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James Alan Miles, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors AdvisorChris Muscarella, Faculty Reader
2. Extending bicomponent temporal trend maps: an abstracted view on geographic time series Open Access Author: Dennis, Aaron Patrick Title: Extending bicomponent temporal trend maps: an abstracted view on geographic time series Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: cartographygeographyvisualizationtemporaltime seriesbicomponentmapsanimationJavaScriptweb File: Download Aaron_Dennis_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cynthia Ann Brewer, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor