1. Processing L2 Tense: A Cross-Linguistic Investigation Open Access Author: Gauthier, Jacqueline M. Title: Processing L2 Tense: A Cross-Linguistic Investigation Area of Honors: French and Francophone Studies Keywords: lexical cuesmorphological cuestemporal referencesecond language acquisitionverbal inflectionsworking memoryinhibitory controltransferlearned attentionblockingcue saliencecue redundancycue reliabilityovershadowinglearned attention File: Download Gauthier_Jacqueline_Processing_L2_Tense_3_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nuria Sagarra, Thesis SupervisorWilla Zahava Silverman, Thesis Honors AdvisorNuria Sagarra, Thesis SupervisorJean-Marc Authier, Faculty Reader
2. Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Orbital Maneuvers in Astrodynamics Open Access Author: Trageser, Katherine Helen Title: Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Orbital Maneuvers in Astrodynamics Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: optimizationorbitparticleswarmmaneuvertransferthrustinclinationspaceastrodynamics File: Download Trageser_Katherine_ParticleSwarm.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Graham Melton, Thesis SupervisorDr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Bradley Spencer, Faculty Reader
3. Investigation of Initialization Methods for Particle Swarm Optimization of Finite-thrust Orbital Transfers Open Access Author: Honeychuck, Matthew C Title: Investigation of Initialization Methods for Particle Swarm Optimization of Finite-thrust Orbital Transfers Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: particleswarmoptimizationfinitethrustorbitaltransferSobol File: Download Honeychuck_Matthew_particleswarmoptimization.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Graham Melton, Thesis SupervisorRobert Graham Melton, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Bradley Spencer, Faculty ReaderDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty Reader
4. Scott_Jordan_Hemispheric lateralization and interhemispheric transfer asymmetries in manual stereognosis Open Access Author: Scott, Jordan Title: Scott_Jordan_Hemispheric lateralization and interhemispheric transfer asymmetries in manual stereognosis Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: stereognosishemispherehemispherictactileinterhemispherictransferJordanScottlateralizationmotor controlipsilateralcontralateral File: Download Scott_Jordan_Hemispheric_lateralization_and_interhemispheric_transfer_asymmetries_in_manual_stereognosis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert L Sainburg, Thesis SupervisorJonas Rubenson, Thesis Honors Advisor