1. The Role of Rhetoric and Framing in the 2016 Presidential Election: The Language of Voting Rights and the Environment Open Access Author: Sontheimer, Tessa Elizabeth Title: The Role of Rhetoric and Framing in the 2016 Presidential Election: The Language of Voting Rights and the Environment Area of Honors: Community, Environment, and Development Keywords: cognitive linguistics2016 presidential electiontrumphillary clintondemocracyrhetoricframingmetaphors File: Download Sontheimer_Tessa_The_Role_of_Rhetoric_and_Framing_in_the_2016_Election.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theodore Roberts Alter, Thesis SupervisorRobert Magneson Chiles, Faculty ReaderTheodore Roberts Alter, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Weaponizing bias: An analysis of polarized media during the Kavanaugh/Ford hearings Open Access Author: Vogel, Elisa Title: Weaponizing bias: An analysis of polarized media during the Kavanaugh/Ford hearings Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: rhetoriccaskavanaughfordcongresstrumpnewsfoxmsnbcmediapolarizationpolitical polarizationbias File: Download Vogel_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary Elizabeth Stuckey, Thesis SupervisorLori Ann Bedell, Thesis Honors Advisor