1. The Effect of Human Rights Prosecutions on Trust in Democracy Open Access Author: Novopachennaia, Yelena Vladimirovna Title: The Effect of Human Rights Prosecutions on Trust in Democracy Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: human rightsLatin Americatrustdemocracysatisfactionpreference File: Download Novopachennaia_Yelena_Thesis_Final__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph Wright, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Trust and Information During Hurricane Ike Open Access Author: Prestley, Robert William Title: Trust and Information During Hurricane Ike Area of Honors: Meteorology Keywords: hurricanerisktrustcommunication File: Download Prestley_Robert_IkeSurvey.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jon Michael Nese, Thesis SupervisorJohannes Verlinde, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Dynamics of Shared Leadership Open Access Author: Lender, Taylor Marie Title: The Dynamics of Shared Leadership Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: shared leadershiptransfromational leadershiptransactional leadershiptrusttransparencyviabilitygender File: Download TaylorLender-ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Samuel Todd Hunter, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. An Empirical Investigation of Social Capital and International Migration: The Role of Language, Culture and Diasporas Open Access Author: Shea, Nicholas Title: An Empirical Investigation of Social Capital and International Migration: The Role of Language, Culture and Diasporas Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: migrationgravitysocial capitaltrustlanguageculturecultural distancereligiondiasporaethnicdiversityeconomics File: Download Nicholas_Shea_Thesis_Spring_2021.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bee Yan Roberts, Thesis SupervisorRussell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Netflix Password Sharing: An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Toward Stricter User Guidelines Open Access Author: Hall, Jessica Title: Netflix Password Sharing: An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes Toward Stricter User Guidelines Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: trustcommitmentsatisfactionbusiness relationshipsattitudespublic relations File: Download Jessica_Hall___Final_Undergraduate_Honors_Thesis___Resubmission_via_SHC_Portal_on_4.11.2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Madden, Thesis SupervisorDenise Sevick Bortree, Thesis Honors Advisor