1. Design of an Autonomous Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Open Access Author: Maloney, Blake Anthony Title: Design of an Autonomous Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: mechanical engineeringuavdronemission plannerautonomous File: Download Blake_Maloney_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Henry Joseph Sommer III, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Design and Analysis of Inverted Landing Mechanism and Biomimetic Strategy for Small-scale Quadrotors Open Access Author: Davis, Brian Title: Design and Analysis of Inverted Landing Mechanism and Biomimetic Strategy for Small-scale Quadrotors Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: biomimeticquadrotorquadcopterdroneoptimizationmechanical designrobotroboticssimulationinverted landingflyinsectlandingcontrolRREVrelative retinal rate of expansionlanding gearlanding mechanismperchingperceptionmultirotoruavunmanned aerial vehicleCrazyflie File: Download DESIGN_AND_ANALYSIS_OF_INVERTED_LANDING_MECHANISM_AND_BIOMIMETIC_STRATEGY_FOR_SMALL-SCALE_QUADROTORS_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bo Cheng, Thesis SupervisorBo Cheng, Thesis Honors AdvisorJean-Michel Mongeau, Faculty Reader
3. Collision Avoidance of Dynamic Obstacles Utilizing a Potential Flow Theory Approach Open Access Author: Pence, Jack Title: Collision Avoidance of Dynamic Obstacles Utilizing a Potential Flow Theory Approach Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Aerospacecollision avoidanceflight testautonomyautonomous flightcontrols and dynamicsnavigationcontrolsimulationguidancedroneuavuam File: Download COLLISION_AVOIDANCE_OF_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES_UTILIZING_A_POTENTIAL_FLOW.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Thesis SupervisorSven Schmitz, Thesis Honors Advisor