1. PLASMID TRANSMISSION THROUGH NUCLEPORE TRACK ETCHED MEMBRANES Open Access Author: Harter, Allison Beth Title: PLASMID TRANSMISSION THROUGH NUCLEPORE TRACK ETCHED MEMBRANES Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: ultrafiltrationtrack etched membranesplasmid DNAsieving coefficient File: Download AHarter_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Salt-induced Changes in Transmission of Linear, Open-circular and Supercoiled Plasmid DNA Open Access Author: Currie, David P Title: Salt-induced Changes in Transmission of Linear, Open-circular and Supercoiled Plasmid DNA Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: ultrafiltrationplasmidDNAtransmissionsaltlinearsupercoiledopen-circular File: Download Thesis_Draft__4-4-15_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The effects of spermine on plasmid DNA transmission through ultrafiltration membranes Open Access Author: Bolten, Rachel Marie Title: The effects of spermine on plasmid DNA transmission through ultrafiltration membranes Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: plasmid DNAultrafiltrationDNA purificationspermine File: Download Bolten_Thesis_Sp17.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. FLUX-DEPENDENT TRANSMISSION OF RNA THROUGH ULTRAFILTRATION MEMBRANES Open Access Author: Berman, Scott W Title: FLUX-DEPENDENT TRANSMISSION OF RNA THROUGH ULTRAFILTRATION MEMBRANES Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: ultrafiltrationRNAmembranetransmissionRNA ultrafiltrationBiomaxDuraporeconcentration polarization File: Download Berman_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Effects of Solution Concentration and Ionic Strength on the Ultrafiltration Behavior of Bacterial Polysaccharides in Varying Pore Size Membranes Open Access Author: Ledingham, Jessica Leigh Title: Effects of Solution Concentration and Ionic Strength on the Ultrafiltration Behavior of Bacterial Polysaccharides in Varying Pore Size Membranes Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: bacterial polysaccharidesultrafiltrationvaccines File: Download Ledingham_Jessica_ChEThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorScott Thomas Milner, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Analysis of Flux and Pressure Behavior during Single Pass Tangential Flow Filtration of Monoclonal Antibody Solutions Open Access Author: Lipinski, Ann Marie Title: Analysis of Flux and Pressure Behavior during Single Pass Tangential Flow Filtration of Monoclonal Antibody Solutions Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: single pass tangential flow filtrationcontinuous processingmonoclonal antibodiesultrafiltration File: Download Ann_Lipinski_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor