1. BEIJING: CHINA’S HAPHAZARD LUNGE INTO THE FUTURE Open Access Author: Wang, Xiaomeng Title: BEIJING: CHINA’S HAPHAZARD LUNGE INTO THE FUTURE Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: ChinaBeijingeconomymodernizationOlympicsurbanizationmigrationairpollutionwatersatellitetownspoverty File: Download Wang_Xiaomeng_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lakshman S Yapa, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Decision Making within the Built Environment as a Strategy for Mitigating the Risk of Vector-Borne Diseases such as Malaria Open Access Author: Pareek, Sumit Title: Decision Making within the Built Environment as a Strategy for Mitigating the Risk of Vector-Borne Diseases such as Malaria Area of Honors: Elective Area of Honors - Engineering Design Keywords: vector-borne diseasemalariaglobal healthurbanizationbuilt environment File: Download Sumit_Pareek_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Esther Adhiambo Obonyo, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Comparative of Maternal Mortality in the United States, Argentina and Spain Open Access Author: Haiman, Sophie Title: A Comparative of Maternal Mortality in the United States, Argentina and Spain Area of Honors: Global and International Studies Keywords: maternal mortalitysocioeconomic statusrace/ethnicityurbanizationmaternal health File: Download A_Comparative_Study_of_Maternal_Mortality_in_the_United_States__Argentina__and_Spain.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erin Allyson Heidt-Forsythe, Thesis SupervisorJonathan Eran Abel, Thesis Honors Advisor