1. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM FOR A HYDROGEN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE IN A HYBRID VEHICLE Open Access Author: McCorkel, Wade Title: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM FOR A HYDROGEN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE IN A HYBRID VEHICLE Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: hydrogen internal combustionelectronic fuel injectionmegasquirtvehicle File: Download FINAL_THESIS_submitted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joel Robert Anstrom, Thesis SupervisorJoel Robert Anstrom, Thesis SupervisorChristine Masters, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
2. The development of a parallel hybrid RC hobby car Open Access Author: Michaluk, Nathaniel Steven Title: The development of a parallel hybrid RC hobby car Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: carelectrichobbyhybridhybridizationparallelradio controlledrcvehicle File: Download Michaluk_Nathaniel_parallelhybridrccar.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Finite element modeling of a hollow structural section connection for load sharing in anti-ram vehicle barriers Open Access Author: Noveral, Christian James Title: Finite element modeling of a hollow structural section connection for load sharing in anti-ram vehicle barriers Area of Honors: Civil Engineering Keywords: finiteelementconnectionvehicleimpactbarrierhollowstructuralsectionHSS File: Download Noveral_Christian_Finiteelementmodelingofahollow.pdf.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Daniel G Linzell, Thesis SupervisorEric Todd Donnell, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Occlusion Detection in a Driving Scene By Registering Forward-looking Camera Images to a Rendered Map Open Access Author: Leary, Robert D Title: Occlusion Detection in a Driving Scene By Registering Forward-looking Camera Images to a Rendered Map Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: map databasevehicleocclusionsimage registrationcamera calibration File: Download LearyHonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorHenry Joseph Sommer III, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Simulation of a Vehicle Docking and Collision Avoidance System Using LIDAR-based Object Tracking Open Access Author: Reigh, Kyle Michael Title: Simulation of a Vehicle Docking and Collision Avoidance System Using LIDAR-based Object Tracking Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: simulationvehicledockingcollisionavoidancelidartrackinglaserautomatedparkinglaserobstacle File: Download Reigh_Kyle_SimulationOfAVehicleDocking.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorHenry Joseph Sommer III, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Energy Harvesting from Shock Absorbers Via Displacement Amplification Open Access Author: Winick, Ryan Title: Energy Harvesting from Shock Absorbers Via Displacement Amplification Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: energyharvestcollectionpowergenerationshock absorbersuspensionvehiclebicyclecardisplacementamplificationgainsalvagemechanical File: Download Thesis_4_9.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Md Amanul Haque, Thesis SupervisorDr. Daniel Humberto Cortes Correales, Thesis Honors Advisor