1. Preliminary Study into Visualization Modalities of von Willebrand Proteolysis in Response to Applied Shear Open Access Author: Scanlon, Matthew P Title: Preliminary Study into Visualization Modalities of von Willebrand Proteolysis in Response to Applied Shear Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: von Willebrand FactorvWFproteolysisventricular assist devicecardiovascular diseasevisualizationfluorescence File: Download Scanlon_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorPeter J Butler, Thesis Honors AdvisorSteven Deutsch, Faculty Reader
2. A correlative study of fluid mechanics and evidence of thrombus formation within the Penn State 50 cc V-2 left ventricular assist device Open Access Author: Topper, Stephen Robert Title: A correlative study of fluid mechanics and evidence of thrombus formation within the Penn State 50 cc V-2 left ventricular assist device Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: ventricular assist devicethrombosisfluid dynamicspulsatilewall shearsurface evaluationparticle image velocimetry File: Download Topper_Stephen_Schreyer_Honors_Thesis_2012.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorPeter J Butler, Thesis Honors AdvisorSteven Deutsch, Faculty Reader
3. An In Vitro Investigation of the Effect of Shear on von Willebrand Factor Proteolysis Open Access Author: Burke, Shannon Leigh Title: An In Vitro Investigation of the Effect of Shear on von Willebrand Factor Proteolysis Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: von Willebrand factorvWFventricular assist deviceVADproteolysisheart failurecardiovascular disease File: Download Shannon_Burke_-_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorDr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. William O Hancock, Faculty ReaderMargaret June Slattery, Faculty Reader
4. A Fluid Dynamic Study of the Effect of Hematocrit in the 12 cc Penn State Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device Open Access Author: Silver, Jeremy Michael Title: A Fluid Dynamic Study of the Effect of Hematocrit in the 12 cc Penn State Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: ventricular assist devicepediatriccardiovascular devicehematocritthrombosisparticle image velocimetrypivVADPVAD File: Download Silver_SHC_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorDr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. William O Hancock, Faculty ReaderPeter J Butler, Faculty Reader
5. Protocol and Initial Surface Analysis of Explanted Blood Sacs for the Penn State Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device Open Access Author: Ceneviva, Nicholas E Title: Protocol and Initial Surface Analysis of Explanted Blood Sacs for the Penn State Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: ventricular assist devicepediatriccardiovascular devicethrombosisVADPVADoptical profilometry File: Download Ceneviva_Nicholas_SHCThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorDr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Joseph Weiss, Faculty Reader