1. Development of Ground Robot Validation Methods and Studies in Operator and Terrain Variability for NIST Test Methods Open Access Author: Crimboli, Adam A Title: Development of Ground Robot Validation Methods and Studies in Operator and Terrain Variability for NIST Test Methods Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: robotbombdisposalemergencyresponseNISTwatershedvision File: Download Crimboli_Thesis_1.10.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorKarl Martin Reichard, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Faculty Reader
2. The Salience Of Lower-order Features In Highly Self-similar Wallpaper Groups Open Access Author: Vedak, Shivam Title: The Salience Of Lower-order Features In Highly Self-similar Wallpaper Groups Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Biology and Psychology Keywords: symmetryperceptionvisionwallpaper groupisometryregularitypatterngeometrygroup theory File: Download Vedak_Shivam_wallpapergroupslowerorderfeatures.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Rick Owen Gilmore, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gong Chen, Thesis Honors AdvisorRick R Jacobs, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. improving object recognition performance through semantic context extraction Open Access Author: Smith, Brigid Louise Title: improving object recognition performance through semantic context extraction Area of Honors: Computer Engineering Keywords: computer visionmachine visionvisioncontext extractionimage processing File: Download THESIS-shc.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis SupervisorLee David Coraor, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Regularity-driven Aerial and Street-view Facade Matching Open Access Author: Wolff, Mark Richard Title: Regularity-driven Aerial and Street-view Facade Matching Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: visionregularityfacadematchingshapepatternsymmetrylattice File: Download master.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Yanxi Liu, Thesis SupervisorJeffrey Scott Mayer, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Differential Integration of Visual and Proprioceptive Representations for Perception Versus Action Open Access Author: Patterson, Jacqueline Rose Title: Differential Integration of Visual and Proprioceptive Representations for Perception Versus Action Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: visionproprioceptionlimb position driftmovement specification File: Download JacquelinePattersonThesis4-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert L Sainburg, Thesis SupervisorJessica Lynn Schultz, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. A Combined Approach to Localization for a Nuclear Cask Inspection Robot Open Access Author: Beck, Jacob J Title: A Combined Approach to Localization for a Nuclear Cask Inspection Robot Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: nuclearwasteroboticsinspectioncomputervision File: Download vision_beck_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor