1. Examining the Disconnect: The Gap Between America's Lawmakers, Enforcers, the Courts, and the People Open Access Author: Russoniello, Gina Maria Title: Examining the Disconnect: The Gap Between America's Lawmakers, Enforcers, the Courts, and the People Area of Honors: Elective Area of Honors - Business Law Keywords: DisconnectgovernmentlegislaturecourtspolicerapEPAracial profilingwelfareProp 21Occupy Wall StreetTea Party File: Download Gina_RussonielloThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Robert Cahoy, Thesis SupervisorDaniel Robert Cahoy, Thesis Honors AdvisorPaul Vincent Whitehead, Faculty Reader
2. Loopholes: The Line Between Exploitation and Survival Open Access Author: Cheshire, Nicole Title: Loopholes: The Line Between Exploitation and Survival Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: documentaryfilmhomelessnesspanhandlingwelfare File: Download Cheshire_Nicole_LoopholesTheLineBetweenExploitationAndSurvival.movDownload 1-Cheshire_Nicole_LoopholesTheLineBetweenExploitationAndSurvival.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ann Louise Kuskowski, Thesis SupervisorRobert Dwayne Richards, Thesis Honors Advisor