1. Autonomous Wheelchair Control Open Access Author: Barnes, Matthew John Title: Autonomous Wheelchair Control Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Roboticswheelchairautonomous control File: Download Barnes-Dissertation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorHenry Joseph Sommer III, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Faculty Reader
2. A State-of-charge Estimator for A Semi-autonomous Electric Wheelchair Open Access Author: Miller, Christopher Xavier Title: A State-of-charge Estimator for A Semi-autonomous Electric Wheelchair Area of Honors: interdisciplinary in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Keywords: wheelchairstate-of-chargeestimationcontrolkalman filtersbatteryroboticscircuitsassistive technology File: Download 2016_C_Miller_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Thesis Honors AdvisorConstantino Manuel Lagoa, Faculty ReaderDr. Timothy Joseph Kane, Thesis Supervisor
3. In-Use Estimation of the Yaw-Rate Motion Output of a Wheelchair Using Joystick Inputs Open Access Author: Blundi, Kathleen Elizabeth Title: In-Use Estimation of the Yaw-Rate Motion Output of a Wheelchair Using Joystick Inputs Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: wheelchairrobotic wheelchairassistive technologyinertial effectshealth-monitoring File: Download 2019_Blundi_Kathleen_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors Advisor