1. Variability and Cost Implications of Wind and Solar Energy Integration Open Access Author: Richardson, Kelsey Anne Title: Variability and Cost Implications of Wind and Solar Energy Integration Area of Honors: Energy, Business, and Finance Keywords: emissionsOklahomaintegrationsolar energywind energy File: Download THESIS_FINAL_DRAFT2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Seth Adam Blumsack, Thesis SupervisorSeth Adam Blumsack, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Nathan Kleit, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Blade Element Momentum Theory Applied to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines Open Access Author: Purcell, Thomas Russell Title: Blade Element Momentum Theory Applied to Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: greenenergyrenewablegreen energywind energyblade element momentum theorywind turbinewindturbinePSUWTAWT_PerfBEMT File: Download Tom_Purcell_Undergraduate_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis SupervisorDennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis SupervisorSusan W Stewart, Faculty ReaderDr. George A Lesieutre, Faculty ReaderDennis K Mclaughlin, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Reducing The Monthly Electricity Bill Using Real-time Pricing Optimization Open Access Author: Chen, Kewei Title: Reducing The Monthly Electricity Bill Using Real-time Pricing Optimization Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: electricitybilloptimizationRRTPreal-time pricingrenewable energypeak powerschedulingsolar energywind energy File: Download Chen_Real_Time_Electricity_Optimization.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Thesis SupervisorDr. John Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Impacts of the Clean Power Plan on the Resource Mix and Renewable Energy Development Open Access Author: Bateman, Evelyn L Title: Impacts of the Clean Power Plan on the Resource Mix and Renewable Energy Development Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Clean Power Planwind energycarbon emissionseconomic dispatch File: Download Bateman_Evelyn_impactsofthecleanpowerplan.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan W Stewart, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sarma V Pisupati, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Amendment to Glauert's Optimum Rotor Disk Solution Open Access Author: Tyagi, Divya Title: Amendment to Glauert's Optimum Rotor Disk Solution Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: wind energyoptimizationclimate changecalculus of variationsrenewable energyaerodynamicswind turbines File: Download Divya_Tyagi_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sven Schmitz, Thesis SupervisorNamiko Yamamoto, Thesis Honors Advisor