1. Evaluating the Usefulness and Response to Graphical Information Used to Communicate Uncertainty-Driven and Probabilistic Winter Weather Forecasts Open Access Author: Morse, Jacob Title: Evaluating the Usefulness and Response to Graphical Information Used to Communicate Uncertainty-Driven and Probabilistic Winter Weather Forecasts Area of Honors: Meteorology Keywords: meteorologysocial sciencesurveywinter weatherforecastingcommunicating informationpublicuncertaintyprobabilistic informationgraphic designsocial mediafocus groupsmeteorologists File: Download Morse_Jacob_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Chris E Forest, Thesis SupervisorChris E Forest, Thesis Honors AdvisorColin M. Zarzycki, Faculty Reader
2. Evaluation of NWS Probabilistic Snowfall Graphics and NBM Snow Percentiles in the Mid-Atlantic Region Open Access Author: Spallone, Christian Title: Evaluation of NWS Probabilistic Snowfall Graphics and NBM Snow Percentiles in the Mid-Atlantic Region Area of Honors: Meteorology Keywords: snowfallforecastingprobabilistic forecastingensemblesweathernational weather servicewinter weather File: Download Honors_Thesis_Final_-_Christian_Spallone.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jon Michael Nese, Thesis SupervisorPaul Markowski, Thesis Honors Advisor