1. Emotional-mindful Parenting and Youth Outcomes: An Independent Construct from Warmth and Control in Parenting Open Access Author: Barnhart, Linnea Jan Title: Emotional-mindful Parenting and Youth Outcomes: An Independent Construct from Warmth and Control in Parenting Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: parentingyouthwarmthcontrolemotional-mindful parenting File: Download Barnhart_Linnea_emotional-mindfulparenting.pdf Thesis Supervisors: J Douglas Coatsworth, Thesis SupervisorDr. Kathryn Bancroft Hynes, Thesis Honors AdvisorHobart Harrington Cleveland III, Faculty Reader
2. the genesis of contemporary youth political movements in chile and mexico: an analysis of the impact of experience and ideology Open Access Author: Mcdaniel, Melinda Marie Title: the genesis of contemporary youth political movements in chile and mexico: an analysis of the impact of experience and ideology Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: MexicoChileyouthmovementsideologyexperiencesocial mediayouth political movements File: Download FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Judith Sierra-Rivera, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Creating an Inclusive Mural Painting with Elementary School Students Open Access Author: Murphy, Rory Title: Creating an Inclusive Mural Painting with Elementary School Students Area of Honors: Rehabilitation and Human Services Keywords: mural-makingart therapydisabilitesyouthelementary schoolmural-making as art therapyinclusiveadaptations File: Download Murphy_Schreyer_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erin E Carter, Thesis SupervisorBrandy Henry, Thesis Honors Advisor