1. Microstructured Particles for Microwave Activated Paint Removal Open Access Author: Hricko, Patrick J Title: Microstructured Particles for Microwave Activated Paint Removal Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: paint removalcarbon blackzeolitemicrowave File: Download Hricko_Patrick_Thesis_Schreyer_format_final_-_adjusted_figures.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark Thomas Traband, Thesis SupervisorEvangelos Manias, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Synthesis of Large Scale Silicate Particles for Frequency Response Analysis Open Access Author: Nicklas, Brandon Thomas Title: Synthesis of Large Scale Silicate Particles for Frequency Response Analysis Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: zeolitefrequency responsediffusionsilicateBETmicroporeadsoprtion File: Download Nicklas_Brandon_Synthesisoflargescalesilicateparticlesforfrequencyresponseanalysis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Martin Rioux Jr., Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor