61. A Medium Throughput Screening Device With Online Growth Data Collection of Multiple Small Volume Gas Phase Bioreactors Open Access Author: Taylor, John Reed Title: A Medium Throughput Screening Device With Online Growth Data Collection of Multiple Small Volume Gas Phase Bioreactors Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Clostridium ljungdahliiRhodobacter Capsulatussyngassynthesis gaschemoautotrophicfermentationscreeningbiofuels File: Download Reed_Taylor_Thesis_Final_4.7.14.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors AdvisorAndrew Zydney, Faculty Reader
62. A Study of Controllable Aggregation using Silane Treated Silica Nanoparticles Open Access Author: Littles, Dionna J Title: A Study of Controllable Aggregation using Silane Treated Silica Nanoparticles Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: colloidal silicasilane surface treatmentcontrollable aggregationpH File: Download Dionna_Littles_Thesis_Spring_2014.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Themis Matsoukas, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor
63. The Process Design and Economic Analysis of a Farm-scale System for Producing Ethanol and Hydrocarbon (botryococcene) Fuels from a Lignocellulosic Substrate Open Access Author: Hillery, Patrick Jefferson Title: The Process Design and Economic Analysis of a Farm-scale System for Producing Ethanol and Hydrocarbon (botryococcene) Fuels from a Lignocellulosic Substrate Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: BiofuelsFermentationBioprocessingLignocelluloseBotryococcene File: Download Patrick_Hillery_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Michael John Janik, Faculty Reader
64. Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity Studies of Nickel-Gallium Bimetallic Catalysts for Partial Acetylene Hydrogenation Open Access Author: Jones, Michael Joseph Title: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity Studies of Nickel-Gallium Bimetallic Catalysts for Partial Acetylene Hydrogenation Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Chemical EngineeringCatalysisHydrogenationReactionAcetyleneEthyleneNickelGallium File: Download Jones_Michael_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Martin Rioux Jr., Thesis SupervisorThemis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor
65. Optimization Of ph For Acidogenic Digestion Of Willow To Mixed Organic Acids Open Access Author: Shafer, Michael Dovin Title: Optimization Of ph For Acidogenic Digestion Of Willow To Mixed Organic Acids Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: biofuelacidacidogenicrenewablesustainableanaerobicwillowlignocellulosic File: Download SHAFER_MICHAEL-_Honors_Thesis_Summer_2014.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Lehman Richard, Thesis SupervisorDr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor
66. The effects of PCBM, ICBA And Annealing on the performance of P3HT deposited on organic solar cells Open Access Author: Adepoju, Adebola Title: The effects of PCBM, ICBA And Annealing on the performance of P3HT deposited on organic solar cells Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: OPVPCBMICBAPCBMAnnealing File: Download Adepoju_Adebola_The_effects_of_PCBM_ICBA_and_Annealing_on_P3HT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors Advisor
67. Density Functional Theory Study of Carbon Dioxide Electrochemical Reduction on the Fe (100) Surface Open Access Author: Bernstein, Nicole J Title: Density Functional Theory Study of Carbon Dioxide Electrochemical Reduction on the Fe (100) Surface Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: electrochemistrycatalysiselectroreductioncarbon dioxide File: Download Bernstein_Nicole_DensityFunctionalTheoryStudyofCarbonDioxideElectrochemicalReductionontheFe_100_Surface.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael John Janik, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors AdvisorAli Borhan, Faculty Reader
68. Determining the Ribosome Binding Footprint in Escherichia Coli to Improve the Ribosome Binding Site Calculator Model of Translation Initiation Open Access Author: Smith, Ashlee Elizabeth Title: Determining the Ribosome Binding Footprint in Escherichia Coli to Improve the Ribosome Binding Site Calculator Model of Translation Initiation Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: ribosomebindingmodelsitetranslationinitiationengineeringRBScalculator File: Download Ashlee_Smith_-_SHC_Thesis_Fall_2014.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Howard M Salis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Themis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor
69. Mineral Replacement Reactions Enabled through Electrokinetic Fluid Flow within Pores Open Access Author: Mays, Benjamin E Title: Mineral Replacement Reactions Enabled through Electrokinetic Fluid Flow within Pores Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: mineralreplacementelectrokineticsdiffusiophoresispseudomorphicpotassiumbromidechlorideion exchangequantum dots File: Download Ben_Mays_Honors_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell Velegol, Thesis SupervisorThemis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor
70. Alkali Cation Specific Adsorption onto Late-transition metal Electrodes Open Access Author: Mills, Jennifer Nicole Title: Alkali Cation Specific Adsorption onto Late-transition metal Electrodes Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: specific adsorptionalkali fuel cellscation adsorptionelectrode chemistry File: Download Mills_Jennifer_AlkaliCationSpecificAdsorption.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael John Janik, Thesis SupervisorDr. Themis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor