151. Quantitative Ultrasonic Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Components with Surface Roughness Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Assalita, Sydney Title: Quantitative Ultrasonic Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Components with Surface Roughness Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: UltrasonicsEngineeringMechanicsMaterialsScienceAdditive ManufacturingRoughnessOptical Profilometry File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Andrea P. Arguelles, Thesis SupervisorGary L. Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
152. Mathematical Modeling of Cerebral Nitric Oxide Dynamics Open Access Author: Tamis, Andrew Title: Mathematical Modeling of Cerebral Nitric Oxide Dynamics Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: BrainNitric OxideModelMechanotransductionCovidMathematical ModelNOEndothelium File: Download Tamis_Thesis_Final_Schreyer_With_Vita.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Corina Stefania Drapaca, Thesis SupervisorGary L Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
153. Non-Invasive Wearable Sweat Collector and Lactate Sensor Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Cen, Yuanlin Title: Non-Invasive Wearable Sweat Collector and Lactate Sensor Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: SensorLactate sensorwearable File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Larry Cheng, Thesis SupervisorYang Yang, Thesis Honors Advisor
154. State Space Structure and Global Stability of Hof Inverted Pendulum Walking Models Open Access Author: Corvino, William Title: State Space Structure and Global Stability of Hof Inverted Pendulum Walking Models Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Inverted PendulumGaitStabilityState Space File: Download CorvinoThesis_StateSpaceStructure_GlobalStability_IP.pdfDownload CorvinoThesisSimulationCode.zip Thesis Supervisors: Joseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis SupervisorJoseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis Honors AdvisorLucas Jay Passmore, Faculty Reader
155. Conflict in the Classroom: An Exploration of the Role of Conflict in Engineering Teams Open Access Author: Patel, Krina Title: Conflict in the Classroom: An Exploration of the Role of Conflict in Engineering Teams Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Team DynamicsTeam ConflictEngineering DesignPsychological Safety File: Download TCS_Final_SHC_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathryn Jablokow, Thesis SupervisorLucas Jay Passmore, Thesis Honors Advisor
156. Relating the Shape Memory Effect to Size of Additively Manufactured NiTi Alloy by Optimizing Full-Field Strain Analysis Open Access Author: Schwarz, Jackson Title: Relating the Shape Memory Effect to Size of Additively Manufactured NiTi Alloy by Optimizing Full-Field Strain Analysis Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: shape memory alloydigital image correlationsuperelasticitynitinolfull field strain analysisNiTiadditive manufacturing File: Download Schwarz_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Reginald F Hamilton, Thesis SupervisorJoseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis Honors Advisor
157. Noninvasive Tracking of Solidification In Casting Using Ultrasound Open Access Author: Smith, Caeden Title: Noninvasive Tracking of Solidification In Casting Using Ultrasound Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Ultrasoundsolidificationwaxcastingnoninvasive File: Download Final_Schreyer_Thesis_CaedenSmith.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrea P. Arguelles, Thesis SupervisorGary L. Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
158. Design of a Tensegrity Structure System for a Robotic Hummingbird Wing Transmission Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Frazier, Peter Title: Design of a Tensegrity Structure System for a Robotic Hummingbird Wing Transmission Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: TensegrityTensegrity StructureHummingbirdWing TransmissionBio-Inspired RobotTensegrity RoboticsMusculoskeletal SystemsFlying Robots2-Bar Tensegrity File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Bo Cheng, Thesis SupervisorChristian Peco, Thesis Honors Advisor
159. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Embryonic Murine Bone and Cartilage Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Gifford-Mahany, Julian Title: Structure and Mechanical Properties of Embryonic Murine Bone and Cartilage Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: AFMMeckel's CartilageCraniofacial DevelopmentLiquid AFM File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Joan Richtsmeier, Thesis SupervisorGary L. Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor
160. The Simulation of Thermal Histories for Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing Using FLOW-3D Open Access Author: Fink, Wyatt Title: The Simulation of Thermal Histories for Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing Using FLOW-3D Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Additive ManufacturingEHLAFLOW-3DAM File: Download Fink_Wyatt_ESC_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Kube, Thesis SupervisorChristopher Kube, Thesis Honors AdvisorEdward William Reutzel, Faculty Reader
161. Classification and Quantification of Consumer Drink Products Using Solution Gated Graphene Field Effect Transistors Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Price, Collin Title: Classification and Quantification of Consumer Drink Products Using Solution Gated Graphene Field Effect Transistors Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: GrapheneISFETSensingSemiconductorsNanomaterialsMachine LearningConsumer Products File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Saptarshi Das, Thesis SupervisorJoseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis Honors Advisor
162. Learning Koopman Bilinear Models using Bi-level Optimization for Quadcopter Control in Complex Dynamic Environments Open Access Author: Prasetyo, Bayu Title: Learning Koopman Bilinear Models using Bi-level Optimization for Quadcopter Control in Complex Dynamic Environments Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: KoopmanQuadcopterControlsModeling File: Download Bayu_Prasetyo_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Junyi Geng, Thesis SupervisorCharles E Bakis, Thesis Honors Advisor
163. Evaluation of Ultrasonic Attenuation Methods and Surface Roughness of Binder Jet 316L Bronze Infused Stainless Steel Open Access Author: Starr, Daniel Title: Evaluation of Ultrasonic Attenuation Methods and Surface Roughness of Binder Jet 316L Bronze Infused Stainless Steel Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: ultrasoundattenuationreflectionbinder jetsurface roughness File: Download Daniel_Starr_UG_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrea P. Arguelles, Thesis SupervisorGary L. Gray, Thesis Honors Advisor