231. The Functionality of Young Children's Anger and Sadness during Self-Regulation Challenges with Mother or Father Present Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Sten, Ethan Title: The Functionality of Young Children's Anger and Sadness during Self-Regulation Challenges with Mother or Father Present Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: self-regulationangersadnessfunctional emotioncognitive engagementblocked goalparent-child taskmotherfather File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Pamela Marie Cole, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
232. Models of Personality Disorders and Predictors of Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Open Access Author: Burns, Rebecca Title: Models of Personality Disorders and Predictors of Self-injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PersonalityLPFSMSISelf-harmSuicideNon-suicidal Self-injuryClinical Psychology File: Download SHC_Thesis_Title_Revised.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth N. Levy, Thesis SupervisorKenneth N. Levy, Thesis Honors Advisor
233. Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Open Access Author: Costanzo, Gregory Title: Second Language Listeners’ Comprehension of Accented Speech in Quiet and Noisy Environments Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyLinguisticsCognitionAccentsLanguage Acquisition File: Download ThesisFinal_GregoryCostanzo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janet Van Hell, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors Advisor
234. Adolescent Anxiety and the Role of Parental Support of Child Emotion Regulation during COVID-19 pandemic Open Access Author: Lee, Jihee Title: Adolescent Anxiety and the Role of Parental Support of Child Emotion Regulation during COVID-19 pandemic Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: adolescentanxietyCOVID-19Emotion regulationParent Supportreappraisalexpressive suppressionrumination File: Download Lee_Jihee_Adolescent_Anxiety_and_the_Role_of_Parental_Support_of_Emotion_Regulation_during_COVID-19_Pandemic.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sarah Myruski, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors Advisor
235. Racial Bias in Perceptions of Sexual Violence Open Access Author: Renee, Teara Title: Racial Bias in Perceptions of Sexual Violence Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: sexual violencesexual harassmentintersectionalitydehumanizationracial biassexualizationSexual ViolenceSexual HarassmentIntersectionalityDehumanizationRacial BiasSexualization File: Download ReneeFinal_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theresa K Vescio, Thesis SupervisorJeff M Love, Thesis Honors Advisor
236. Purpose in Life Mediates the Relationship Between Religiosity/Spirituality and Depression and Anxiety Open Access Author: Shank, Emily Title: Purpose in Life Mediates the Relationship Between Religiosity/Spirituality and Depression and Anxiety Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: psychologydepressionanxietyreligionspiritualitypurpose in lifemediation File: Download Emily_Shank_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Gayle Newman, Thesis SupervisorSarah Myruski, Thesis Honors Advisor
237. Understanding emotion in different languages: Emotional prosody recognition in bilinguals and the impact of background noise Open Access Author: Stokes, Gabrielle Title: Understanding emotion in different languages: Emotional prosody recognition in bilinguals and the impact of background noise Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: BilingualL2-processingBackground NoiseEmotional Prosody File: Download Stokes_Thesis_Final_copy.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michele Diaz, Thesis SupervisorFrank Gerard Hillary, Thesis Honors AdvisorJanet Van Hell, Thesis Supervisor
238. Empathy Through Satire: How Empathy in Satire May Catalyze More Persuasion, Enjoyment, and Understanding Open Access Author: Wilcox, Gordon Title: Empathy Through Satire: How Empathy in Satire May Catalyze More Persuasion, Enjoyment, and Understanding Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: SatireEmpathyhumor File: Download Gordon_Wilcox_correcthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Reg Adams, Thesis SupervisorSusan Simkins, Thesis Honors Advisor
239. Trait-level Perceived Job Discrimination Mediates Lower Coworker and Supervisor Support Predicting Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 18 Years Later. Open Access Author: Yan, Rebecca Title: Trait-level Perceived Job Discrimination Mediates Lower Coworker and Supervisor Support Predicting Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 18 Years Later. Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: coworker supportsupervisor supportanxietydepressionworkplace discriminationlongitudinal File: Download rythesis2024.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Gayle Newman, Thesis SupervisorSusan Simkins, Thesis Honors Advisor
240. Explaining Gender Differences in Mindfulness Interest: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior Open Access Author: Yamane, Suzuka Title: Explaining Gender Differences in Mindfulness Interest: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Gender DifferencesMindfulnessTheory of Planned BehaviorHolistic Wellness File: Download Yamane_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alicia Ann Grandey, Thesis SupervisorSusan Simkins, Thesis Honors Advisor