461. Building Civil Society in the Context of Long Term Violence and Displacement: Lessons from Bogotá, Colombia Open Access Author: Hitz, Greg M Title: Building Civil Society in the Context of Long Term Violence and Displacement: Lessons from Bogotá, Colombia Area of Honors: Latin-American Studies Keywords: civil societyviolenceColombiadisplacement File: Download Hitz_Greg_buildingcivilsoceity.pdf
462. Institutional Art Funding: the Interaction of Governmental and Private Donation Open Access Author: Cadmus, Alexander Jay Title: Institutional Art Funding: the Interaction of Governmental and Private Donation Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: institutional artspublic financecrowding effectscharitable giving File: Download cadmus_final_submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Ross Yeaple, Thesis SupervisorBee Yan Roberts, Thesis Honors AdvisorJames R. Tybout, Faculty Reader
463. Antecedents of Sexual Harassment by Customers: A New Approach Open Access Author: Hepler, Sarah Faith Title: Antecedents of Sexual Harassment by Customers: A New Approach Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: customer sexual harassmentcustomer powerdisplay rulesservice with a smilecustomer is always right File: Download Hepler_Sarah_AntecedentsofSexualHarassmentbyCustomers_v.SHCFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alicia Ann Grandey, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Ray, Thesis Honors Advisor
464. Do dietary energy sources impact melatonin circadian patterns in the horse? Open Access Author: Mcgowan, Lynn Silverman Title: Do dietary energy sources impact melatonin circadian patterns in the horse? Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Animal Science and Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: horsecircadian rhythmmelatoninhydroxyprolinedietbone development File: Download LSM_ThesisFinalDraft3.pdf
465. Sourcing and Procurement: A Case Study of Economic, Social, and Environmental Implications. Open Access Author: Eshbach, Dale C Title: Sourcing and Procurement: A Case Study of Economic, Social, and Environmental Implications. Area of Honors: Supply Chain and Information Systems Keywords: SourcingProcurementOutsourcingInsourcingSupply Chain Management File: Download Eshbach_Dale_Sourcing_and_Procurement.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Felisa Del Carmen Preciado, Thesis SupervisorDr. John C. Spychalski, Thesis Honors Advisor
466. Oil Extraction, Human Security and Sustainable Development: The Case of The Niger Delta Open Access Author: DiGregorio, Kylee Marie Title: Oil Extraction, Human Security and Sustainable Development: The Case of The Niger Delta Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: Oil ExtractionHuman SecuritySustainable DevelopmentThe Niger Delta File: Download DiGregorio_Kylee_oilextraction.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Clemente K. Abrokwaa, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors AdvisorKevin J.A. Thomas, Faculty Reader
467. Salome's Veils: Language, Interpretation and Translation Open Access Author: Oswald, Meryn Noel Title: Salome's Veils: Language, Interpretation and Translation Area of Honors: English Keywords: SalomeOscarWildetranslationinterpretationveilslanguageEnglishFrenchTheatreDramaSymbolismModernismPostmodernismBibleDanceAestheticsDecadence File: Download Honors_Thesis.pdf
468. Using Literature to Explore Sustainability: Human Values and Dispositions Open Access Author: Kaslow, Matthew Ethan Title: Using Literature to Explore Sustainability: Human Values and Dispositions Area of Honors: English Keywords: sustainabilityliteraturechesapeakebaynatureenvironmentlearningexperiential File: Download kaslow_matthew_literaturesustainability.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Xiaoye You, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors AdvisorRobert Edwin Burkholder, Faculty Reader
469. The Effects of Environmental and Orienting Devices on the Prevalence and Severity of Delirium Superimposed on Dementia in Hospitalized Older Adults Open Access Author: DiMeglio, Brittney Christine Title: The Effects of Environmental and Orienting Devices on the Prevalence and Severity of Delirium Superimposed on Dementia in Hospitalized Older Adults Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: deliriumdementiadelirium superimposed on dementiaconfusionmental statusenvironmentenvironmental devicesorienting devices File: Download DiMeglio_Brittney_TheEffectsofEnvironmentalandOrientingDevicesonthePrevalenceandSeverityofDeliriumSuperimposedonDementiainHospitalizedOlderAdults2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donna Marie Fick, Thesis SupervisorDonna Marie Fick, Thesis Honors AdvisorRita Jablonski, Faculty Reader
470. A Defense Against the Same: The History and Progression of the Introductory World Literature Course in an American University Open Access Author: Rodriguez, Victoria Rebecca Title: A Defense Against the Same: The History and Progression of the Introductory World Literature Course in an American University Area of Honors: Comparative Literature Keywords: world literatureglobalizationCMLIT 010pedagogycosmopolitanismethicshegemonypolyglottismEurocentrismanthology File: Download Legit_THE_Thesis.pdf