81. Approach Towards Transition Through Special Education and the Sociocultural Theory Open Access Author: Nero, Brianne Alyce Title: Approach Towards Transition Through Special Education and the Sociocultural Theory Area of Honors: Special Education Keywords: socioculturalspecial educationGeeLindforCambourneeducationtheorytransition File: Download Brianne.Nero.thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard M Kubina Jr., Thesis SupervisorRichard M Kubina Jr., Thesis Honors AdvisorKathleen M Mckinnon, Faculty Reader
82. Cd4+ T cell help as an indirect requirement for the development of functional Cd8+ T cell memory Open Access Author: Cheung, Julie Fang Title: Cd4+ T cell help as an indirect requirement for the development of functional Cd8+ T cell memory Area of Honors: Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: CD4CD8T CellMemoryImmune systemImmunological memoryVaccine File: Download THESIS_FINAL_HURRAH.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sorujit Sarkar, Thesis SupervisorJames Endres Howell, Thesis Honors Advisor
83. Grammatical gender processing in L2 speakers of Spanish: Does cognate status help? Open Access Author: Halberstadt, Lauren Title: Grammatical gender processing in L2 speakers of Spanish: Does cognate status help? Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: Spanishlinguisticsbilingualcognateprocessinggrammatical gender File: Download Perrotti_SHCThesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Giuli Dussias, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorCarrie Neal Jackson, Faculty Reader
84. Perceiving Women’s Anger in the Workplace: Does Racial Ethnicity or Occupational Rank Matter? Open Access Author: Li, Yidi Title: Perceiving Women’s Anger in the Workplace: Does Racial Ethnicity or Occupational Rank Matter? Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: perceptions of womenworkplaceprofessional womenangerangry womanemotional expressionstereotypesintersectional File: Download Li_Yidi_final_perceivingwomensanger.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie A Shields, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
85. Partial Flattening of Amidine-functionalized Polystyrene Latex Particles Open Access Author: Unal, Deniz B Title: Partial Flattening of Amidine-functionalized Polystyrene Latex Particles Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: colloidsparticle flatteningplasticizer File: Download Unal_Deniz_PartialFlattening.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Darrell Velegol, Thesis SupervisorDarrell Velegol, Thesis Honors AdvisorThemis Matsoukas, Faculty ReaderAndrew Zydney, Faculty Reader
86. Comparison of risk-taking tendencies between White and Asian American undergraduate students Open Access Author: Yousef, Jacob M Title: Comparison of risk-taking tendencies between White and Asian American undergraduate students Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: RiskinessBalloon Analogue Risk TaskSensation SeekingWhiteAsianResistance to Peer Influence File: Download yousef_jacob_riskinessinwhitesandasians.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Jeffrey Wilson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
87. A Proposal for the Application of Culturally Grounded Narrative Theory and Stigma Management Communication in Exploring Help Seeking Behaviors Among Depressed College Students Open Access Author: Reichert, Emily Cheryl Title: A Proposal for the Application of Culturally Grounded Narrative Theory and Stigma Management Communication in Exploring Help Seeking Behaviors Among Depressed College Students Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: stigmadepressionhelp seekingnarrative File: Download Thesis_Final_Reichert.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael L Hecht, Thesis SupervisorLori Ann Bedell, Thesis Honors Advisor
88. Perspectives of Parents of Preschool Children on the Experience of Parenting a Child with Asd Open Access Author: Frey, Lauren E Title: Perspectives of Parents of Preschool Children on the Experience of Parenting a Child with Asd Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: parentingautismASDspectrumasperger File: Download Frey_Lauren_experiencesparentingASD.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kathryn D R Drager, Thesis SupervisorDr. Carol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor
89. Exploring the Rules of Symmetry in the Human Body through the Analysis of Asymmetric Craniosynostosis Disorders Open Access Author: Stella, Jennifer Marie Title: Exploring the Rules of Symmetry in the Human Body through the Analysis of Asymmetric Craniosynostosis Disorders Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: symmetryasymmetryskullcraniosynostosismorphometrics File: Download Stella_Jennifer_rulesofsymmetry.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joan Therese Richtsmeier, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
90. The effect of atmospheric composition on the production of hydrogen cyanide: implications for the origin of life Open Access Author: Gruen, Danielle Sarah Title: The effect of atmospheric composition on the production of hydrogen cyanide: implications for the origin of life Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: prebiotic chemistryorigin of lifespark dischargehydrogen cyanide File: Download DanielleGruenThesis Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Howard House, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephen Blair Hedges, Thesis Honors Advisor