51. Miss-represented: Female Representation in Politics Open Access Author: Barlow, Hannah Jayne Title: Miss-represented: Female Representation in Politics Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: PoliticsInternational PoliticsWomenGovernment File: Download Barlow_Hannah_Miss-Represented.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan Welch, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
52. Do center of pressure measures derived from force platforms correlate to alpha % changes derived from EEG measures in athletes suffering from concussions? Open Access Author: Kealey, Kimberly Ann Title: Do center of pressure measures derived from force platforms correlate to alpha % changes derived from EEG measures in athletes suffering from concussions? Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: concussion testingforce platforms and concussionsEEG alpha % change and concussions File: Download Final_Thesis_V5.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Semyon Slobounov, Thesis SupervisorSteriani Elavsky, Thesis Honors Advisor
53. The Role of Interest Groups and Governmental Agencies in Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Open Access Author: Demartino, Sarah Title: The Role of Interest Groups and Governmental Agencies in Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: Interest GroupsGovernmental AgenciesCorporate Social ResponsibilityCSRFair TradeCocoaChocolateChild Labor File: Download SarahDeMartinoThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Marie Hojnacki, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor
54. Decontamination of Escherichia coli K12 NSR on Strawberries by Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water Open Access Author: Fan, Wendy N Title: Decontamination of Escherichia coli K12 NSR on Strawberries by Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water Area of Honors: Biological Engineering Keywords: Strawberries;Electrolyzed oxidizing water; Decontamination;E. co File: Download FINALDRAFT_FAN.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ali Demirci, Thesis SupervisorAli Demirci, Thesis Honors AdvisorMegan Nicole Marshall, Faculty Reader
55. Is all publicity good publicity? An examination through the lens of the 1995 Calvin Klein child pornography ad controversy Open Access Author: Tennin, Casie Amanda Title: Is all publicity good publicity? An examination through the lens of the 1995 Calvin Klein child pornography ad controversy Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: Calvin KleinCasie TenninPublicityGood PublicityBad PublicityAdvertisingPublic Relations File: Download Tennin_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Steve Manuel, Thesis SupervisorSteve Manuel, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Susan Mary Strohm, Faculty Reader
56. Developing a New Metric for NBA Player Evaluation: Points Per Lost Possession Open Access Author: Gerberich, Derek C Title: Developing a New Metric for NBA Player Evaluation: Points Per Lost Possession Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: NBAbasketballmoneyballBill JamesBill Simmonsforecastingpoints per lost possessionPPLPpredictive modelssports File: Download points_per_lost_possession.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew John Wiesner, Thesis SupervisorMurali Haran, Thesis Honors Advisor
57. Enriching the Aural Skills Classroom with the Inclusion of Popular Music Traditions Open Access Author: Geesey, Alison Marie Title: Enriching the Aural Skills Classroom with the Inclusion of Popular Music Traditions Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: popular music traditionsmusic theoryaural skillsmusic theory pedagogyaural skills pedagogysight singingpop File: Download Geesey_SHC_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Taylor Aitken Greer, Thesis SupervisorAnn Callistro Clements, Thesis Honors Advisor
58. Vigilance as an Influential Factor of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Adherence among Adults with OSA Open Access Author: Criste, Taylor Joseph Title: Vigilance as an Influential Factor of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Adherence among Adults with OSA Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: Obstructive Sleep ApneaContinuous Positive Airway PressureVigilanceCognitionNeurobehavior File: Download Criste_Taylor_VigilanceAsInfluentialFactorOfCPAPAdherence.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Amy M Sawyer, Thesis SupervisorHarleah Graham Buck, Thesis Honors Advisor
59. The Impact of a Nutritious Cafeteria on Employee Attitudes Open Access Author: Song, Lucy Jalin Title: The Impact of a Nutritious Cafeteria on Employee Attitudes Area of Honors: Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Keywords: nutritionhealth promotionwellnessjob satisfactionturnoverhuman resources File: Download Song_Lucy_NutritiousEmployeeCafeteria.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Larry Ross Martinez, Thesis SupervisorDr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis Honors Advisor
60. Crisis and Scandal on a College Campus: A Newspaper's Battle Open Access Author: Stoller, Kristin L Title: Crisis and Scandal on a College Campus: A Newspaper's Battle Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: Collegiate newspapersJerry SanduskyVirginia TechshootingHarvardcheatingscandal File: Download KristinStoller.Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Thesis SupervisorMartin Halstuk, Thesis Honors Advisor