21. PP2A-PR72: Interactions with β[Heavy]-Spectrin and Investigation of Roles in Apical Polarity and Endosomal Trafficking Open Access Author: Travor, Mark D Title: PP2A-PR72: Interactions with β[Heavy]-Spectrin and Investigation of Roles in Apical Polarity and Endosomal Trafficking Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: ActinCytoskeletonDrosophilaSpectrinPP2A File: Download Travor_Mark_PP2A_and_BetaH_Roles_in_Endosomal_Trafficking_and_Polarity.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Graham Hugh Thomas, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Axtell, Thesis Honors Advisor
22. Roll for Story: Tabletop Roleplaying Games as a Tool for Storytelling Education Open Access Author: Yoder, Caleb Kenneth Title: Roll for Story: Tabletop Roleplaying Games as a Tool for Storytelling Education Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary Digital Studio Keywords: tabletop rpgstorytellingcreativewritingrpgd&dgaming File: Download Yoder_Caleb_rollforstory.pdfDownload Yoder_Caleb_rollforstory_episodes_v2_lowres.mp4 Thesis Supervisors: Andrew T Hieronymi, Thesis SupervisorSimone Osthoff, Thesis Honors Advisor
23. Estimating Dynamic Properties for Biological Materials Design, Development, and Calibration of a Desktop Miniaturized Pulse-shaping Kolsky Bar Open Access Author: Sodha, Kush B Title: Estimating Dynamic Properties for Biological Materials Design, Development, and Calibration of a Desktop Miniaturized Pulse-shaping Kolsky Bar Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: soft materialskolsky barbrain tissueminiaturizedesigndevelopmentcalibrationdynamic propertiesmaterial properties File: Download Kush_Sodha_Thesis_Final_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Reuben H Kraft, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
24. Manifesto, Catastrophe, Identity: Post-revolutionary Mexican Muralism and the Art of New Production Open Access Author: Cantor, Shannon Evalene Title: Manifesto, Catastrophe, Identity: Post-revolutionary Mexican Muralism and the Art of New Production Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Comparative Literature and Spanish Keywords: MuralMexicoRevolutionArtProductionManifestoCatastropheIdentityRenovationTres Grandes File: Download Shannon_Cantor_Thesis_SP2016.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Andres Ochoa, Thesis SupervisorSydney Sue Aboul Hosn, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn Lipski, Faculty Reader
25. Framing a Crisis: Xinhua’s Portrayal of the 2009 Urumqi Riots to the International Community Open Access Author: Mark, Elyse Gwendolyn Title: Framing a Crisis: Xinhua’s Portrayal of the 2009 Urumqi Riots to the International Community Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Chinese and English Keywords: Urumqi riotsXinjiang riotsXinhuaframe analysissource attribution File: Download Mark_Elyse_FramingACrisis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Xiaoye You, Thesis SupervisorDr. Xiaoye You, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Marcy Lynne North, Faculty ReaderNicolai Martin Volland, Thesis Honors Advisor
26. Spatial distribution by size and age and allometric relationships of a spruce population in west Greenland Open Access Author: Mistrick, Janine Title: Spatial distribution by size and age and allometric relationships of a spruce population in west Greenland Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Picea glaucaP. glaucaKangerlussuaqGreenlandclimate changeecologyArcticsprucewhite sprucenovel ecosystem File: Download MISTRICK_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric S Post, Thesis SupervisorDr. James Harold Marden, Thesis Honors Advisor
27. Revitalization in Rural America: A Case Study of Millheim, Pa Open Access Author: Mothersbaugh, Leah Rhian Title: Revitalization in Rural America: A Case Study of Millheim, Pa Area of Honors: Community, Environment, and Development Keywords: RevitalizationRural AmericaMillheimArts Based DevelopmentSocial Capital File: Download Mothersbaugh_Leah_RevitalizationInRuralAmerica__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy Wayne Kelsey, Thesis SupervisorTheodore Roberts Alter, Thesis Honors Advisor
28. The Encoding and Retrieval of Prospective Memory Cues Open Access Author: Renko, Abagayle Elizbeth Title: The Encoding and Retrieval of Prospective Memory Cues Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: memoryprospective memorycue typecue formatencodingretrievalreminder File: Download Renko_Thesis_ProspectiveMemory_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors AdvisorKenneth N. Levy, Faculty Reader
29. IPO Underpricing: Explaining the First Day Price Jump Open Access Author: Sosnader, Ryan Austin Title: IPO Underpricing: Explaining the First Day Price Jump Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: IPOeconomicsfinanceunderwritertechnologybank File: Download Sosnader_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Coenraad Arnout P Pinkse, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor
30. The Relationship between Maternal Age, Generational Status, & Childhood Obesity in the Hispanic-american Population Open Access Author: Wisniewski, Megan Marie Title: The Relationship between Maternal Age, Generational Status, & Childhood Obesity in the Hispanic-american Population Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: Childhood obesityHispanic-Americansmaternal agegenerational status File: Download Megan_Wisniewski_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Lynne Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor