31. Code-to-Code Verification of COBRA-TF and TRACE Open Access Author: Leandro, Adrian Michael Title: Code-to-Code Verification of COBRA-TF and TRACE Area of Honors: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: COBRA-TFTRACEverificationsimulationmodelpoint kineticsturbine tripsub-channelreactivity feedback File: Download Leandro_Final_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Justin Kyle Watson, Thesis SupervisorSeungjin Kim, Thesis Honors Advisor
32. Self-perception of School Based Speech-language Pathologists Regarding Individual Competency in the Assessment of English Language Learners Open Access Author: Eck, Alaina Catherine Title: Self-perception of School Based Speech-language Pathologists Regarding Individual Competency in the Assessment of English Language Learners Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: English Language LearnersAssessmentSelf-Perception of CompetencySchool Based Speech Language Pathology File: Download THESIS_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Carol Anne Miller, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ingrid Maria Blood, Thesis Honors Advisor
33. Technology and L2 Interest Levels Open Access Author: Metzger, Stephanie Hannah Title: Technology and L2 Interest Levels Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Spanish and World Languages Education Keywords: LanguageSpanishInterestEngagementEducationElementaryHigh SchoolTechnologyDuolingoL2Second LanguageStudents File: Download Stephanie_Metzger_Spring_2016_Thesis_4-12.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Le Pasterick, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorMatthew Edward Poehner, Faculty Reader
34. Measuring the Influence of Social Media Messages on Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Purchase Intent Open Access Author: Laubscher, Kristen Lynn Title: Measuring the Influence of Social Media Messages on Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Purchase Intent Area of Honors: Advertising/Public Relations Keywords: Social MediaCorporate Social ResponsibilityCSRPurchase IntentFacebookInstagramStakeholder Attitudes File: Download Kristen_Laubscher_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michel M Haigh, Thesis SupervisorMichel M Haigh, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Michael Mahon III, Faculty Reader
35. Simulating Ad Hoc Noise Radar Networks for Target Location Detection Open Access Author: Zhang, Diana Title: Simulating Ad Hoc Noise Radar Networks for Target Location Detection Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: ad hoc networknoise radarlocation detection File: Download ZhangThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ram Mohan Narayanan, Thesis SupervisorJeffrey Scott Mayer, Thesis Honors Advisor
36. Interactions of Hsp23, FoxO, and ESCRTIII-Vps24 in Mediating Proteostasis in Drosophila melanogaster Flight Motor Cells Open Access Author: Fatima, Shahroz Title: Interactions of Hsp23, FoxO, and ESCRTIII-Vps24 in Mediating Proteostasis in Drosophila melanogaster Flight Motor Cells Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Drosophila melanogasterneurodegenerationproteostasisheat shockHsp23FoxOESCRTIIIVps24autophagyproteasome File: Download Fatima_Shahroz_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fumiko Kawasaki, Thesis SupervisorKatriona Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
37. The influence of temperamental surgency on engagement and disengagement coping in preadolescent children Open Access Author: Norton, Elizabeth Julia Title: The influence of temperamental surgency on engagement and disengagement coping in preadolescent children Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: copingstresstemperamentsurgencygenderchildren File: Download Norton_Elizabeth_Temperamentandcoping.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Martha Ellen Wadsworth, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lisa Michelle Gatzke-Kopp, Thesis Honors Advisor
38. Minimum Variance Frontier Spanning Test Open Access Author: Park, Tony Title: Minimum Variance Frontier Spanning Test Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Minimum Variance FrontierMarkowitz Portfolio TheoryModern Portfolio TheoryDiversificationPortfolio Management File: Download FINAL_THESIS_T.P..pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jingzhi Huang, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Faculty Reader
39. “You’re Hired!” A College And Career Readiness Course For At-risk Middle School Students Open Access Author: Dibileo, Isabella Title: “You’re Hired!” A College And Career Readiness Course For At-risk Middle School Students Area of Honors: Rehabilitation and Human Services Keywords: College ReadinessCareer ExplorationCareer GuidanceSchool CounselingAt-RiskMiddle School File: Download DiBileo_Isabella_YoureHired.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Deirdre Elizabeth Mary O'sullivan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Deirdre Elizabeth Mary O'sullivan, Thesis Honors AdvisorJerry G Trusty, Faculty Reader
40. The Effects of Professional Career Experiences on Children's Career Goals Open Access Author: Manalo, Taylor Drew Title: The Effects of Professional Career Experiences on Children's Career Goals Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: Achievement gapLow SESElementary studentsEducationCareer goalsCareer conversationsRole models File: Download Manalo_thesis_schreyer_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carla Zembal-Saul, Thesis SupervisorCarla Zembal-Saul, Thesis Honors AdvisorAndrea Vujan McCloskey, Faculty Reader