161. Hukou and Gaokao: The Effect of the Household Registration System and Regionally Biased University Admissions Policies on Labor Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation in China Open Access Author: Stack, David Connor Title: Hukou and Gaokao: The Effect of the Household Registration System and Regionally Biased University Admissions Policies on Labor Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation in China Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Chinahukougaokaohousehold registrationuniversity admissionslabor mobilityhuman capital accumulationmisallocation File: Download David_Stack_Thesis_2016_Updated_Links_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Wade Cooper, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor
162. "Terrific, You Did It!" The Influence of Feedback on a Crowdsourcing Participant's Satisfaction Open Access Author: Sullivan, Joseph Title: "Terrific, You Did It!" The Influence of Feedback on a Crowdsourcing Participant's Satisfaction Area of Honors: Marketing Keywords: MarketingCrowdsourcingFeedbackParticipantSatisfactionParticipant Satisfaction File: Download Thesis_Final_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Johanna H Slot, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Chang Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor
163. a qualitative analysis of the underrepresentation of women enrolled in the college of information sciences and technology Open Access Author: Slotter, Skylar Marie Title: a qualitative analysis of the underrepresentation of women enrolled in the college of information sciences and technology Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: ISTINFORMATION SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGYWOMEN IN TECHNOLOGYGENDER GAPINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYUNDERREPRESENTATION File: Download Slotter_Skylar_QualitativeAnalysisofUnderrepofWomeninIST.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lynette Marie Yarger, Thesis SupervisorMarc Aaron Friedenberg, Thesis Honors Advisor
164. The Influence of News on Television Satire Open Access Author: Hyneman, Laurel Elizabeth Title: The Influence of News on Television Satire Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: satiresitcomnewsThe SimpsonsAll in the Family File: Download HYNEMAN_THESIS_4-12.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Curtis William Chandler, Thesis SupervisorJohn Philip Sanchez, Thesis Honors Advisor
165. Organizations' Use of Evaluation Research:implications for Trust, Support for Research, and Support for the Program Open Access Author: Hammaker, Sarah Marie Title: Organizations' Use of Evaluation Research:implications for Trust, Support for Research, and Support for the Program Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: Evaluation ResearchEvaluationResearchTrust in OrganizationsSupport for ResearchSupport for Program File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melvin Michael Mark, Thesis SupervisorDr. Richard Alan Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor
166. The Relationship Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth in China Open Access Author: Kim, Dawit Title: The Relationship Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth in China Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: Income inequalityeconomic growthGiniGDPPanel DataChina File: Download Kim_Dawit_The_Relationship_Between_Income_Inequality_and_Economic_Growth_in_China.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James R. Tybout, Thesis Supervisor
167. Increasing Children And Adults’ Positive Connection To, Knowledge Of, And Orientation Toward Nature Through Environmental Education Programs Open Access Author: San Jose, Alyssa Leilani Title: Increasing Children And Adults’ Positive Connection To, Knowledge Of, And Orientation Toward Nature Through Environmental Education Programs Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: PsychologyOutdoor SchoolEnvironmental EducationNatureEnvironmental Stewardship File: Download SanJose_ConnectiontoNature.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Keith E Nelson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Jeffrey M Love, Faculty Reader
168. Using Conventional and Sabermetric Baseball Statistics for Predicting Major League Baseball Win Percentage Open Access Author: Decesare, Victoria Ellen Title: Using Conventional and Sabermetric Baseball Statistics for Predicting Major League Baseball Win Percentage Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: MLBMajor League Baseballbaseballsabermetricsregression analysisstatisticscorrelationsports statistics File: Download Victoria_DeCesare_Thesis_-_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew John Wiesner, Thesis SupervisorDavid Russell Hunter, Thesis Honors Advisor
169. A Combined Approach to Localization for a Nuclear Cask Inspection Robot Open Access Author: Beck, Jacob J Title: A Combined Approach to Localization for a Nuclear Cask Inspection Robot Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: nuclearwasteroboticsinspectioncomputervision File: Download vision_beck_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorZoubeida Ounaies, Thesis Honors Advisor
170. CHARACTERIZATION OF IMPINGING DIESEL SPRAYS WITH A REDUCED-ORDER MODEL AND GAS JET EXPERIMENTS Open Access Author: Ruth, Daniel Johnson Title: CHARACTERIZATION OF IMPINGING DIESEL SPRAYS WITH A REDUCED-ORDER MODEL AND GAS JET EXPERIMENTS Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: combustiondieselspraysimpingementmixinggas jets File: Download Ruth_Daniel_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacqueline Antonia O'connor, Thesis Supervisor
171. Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Endometrium of Dairy Heifers During the Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy Open Access Author: Hartzell, Michelle Christina Title: Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Endometrium of Dairy Heifers During the Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: AHRembryonic losspregnancyendometriumdairy heifers File: Download Hartzell_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Troy Ott, Thesis SupervisorTroy Ott, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoy Lee Pate, Faculty Reader
172. Additive Manufacturing of Polysulfone and Polyaniline Composites by Solvent-cast 3d Printing Open Access Author: Miao, Ziyi Title: Additive Manufacturing of Polysulfone and Polyaniline Composites by Solvent-cast 3d Printing Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: 3D printingAdditive ManufacturingPolymerMaterial SciencePolysulfonePolyanilineSolvent-Casting File: Download Ziyi_Miao_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Michael Anthony Hickner, Thesis SupervisorJoan Marie Redwing, Thesis Honors Advisor
173. Variation in Microtopography Measurements in Freshwater Wetlands in Central Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Gallagher, Ryan P Title: Variation in Microtopography Measurements in Freshwater Wetlands in Central Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: MicrotopographyMeasurementsVariationFreshwaterWetlandsDisturbance File: Download Gallagher_Ryan_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert P Brooks, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
174. The Social Function of Twitter Toward a Theory of Generic Constraints Open Access Author: Rush, Elizabeth Thornton Title: The Social Function of Twitter Toward a Theory of Generic Constraints Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: TwittercrisisrhetoricgenreBoston Marathon BombingAntonio Martin File: Download Rush_Elizabeth_TheSocialFunctionOfTwitter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kirtley Hasketh Wilson, Thesis SupervisorLori Ann Bedell, Thesis Honors Advisor
175. Impacts of the Clean Power Plan on the Resource Mix and Renewable Energy Development Open Access Author: Bateman, Evelyn L Title: Impacts of the Clean Power Plan on the Resource Mix and Renewable Energy Development Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Clean Power Planwind energycarbon emissionseconomic dispatch File: Download Bateman_Evelyn_impactsofthecleanpowerplan.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan W Stewart, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sarma V Pisupati, Thesis Honors Advisor
176. Reassessing Crude Oil Purchases Based on Shutdown Risk Open Access Author: Bablak, Robert Title: Reassessing Crude Oil Purchases Based on Shutdown Risk Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: Crude OilOil TradingRefiningRiskFinanceCorporate FinanceEnergy File: Download Robert_Bablaks_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mort D Webster, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
177. students' views and opinions on climate change Open Access Author: Clause, Catherine Nicole Title: students' views and opinions on climate change Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: climate changeopinionsgenderrace File: Download thesis__final_2_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
178. The role of small molecules in reprogramming human astroglial cells into neurons Open Access Author: Lee, Grace Title: The role of small molecules in reprogramming human astroglial cells into neurons Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: chemical reprogrammingsmall moleculesneuronsastrocytesNeuroD1conversionNGN2 File: Download Lee_Honors_Thesis_edited.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Gong Chen, Thesis SupervisorKevin Douglas Alloway, Thesis Honors Advisor
179. The Effect of Footwear Condition on Muscle Architecture During Walking Open Access Author: Timberman, Megan Elizabeth Title: The Effect of Footwear Condition on Muscle Architecture During Walking Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: triceps suraemuscle fiber lengthelastic energygastrocnemiuswalkingultrasoundshodbarefootin vivo File: Download Timberman_Megan_EffectsofFootwearonMuscleArchitecture.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Benjamin William Infantolino, Thesis SupervisorJeanne Marie Rose, Thesis Honors Advisor
180. Food Aid to Sub-saharan Africa: Fungibility and Effects on Malnutrition Open Access Author: Volz, Jennifer Marie Title: Food Aid to Sub-saharan Africa: Fungibility and Effects on Malnutrition Area of Honors: International Politics Keywords: Food AidMalnutritionSub-SaharanEmergency AidProject AidProgram AidUnderweightWastingGovernment Effectiveness File: Download 1-Working_Thesis_Draft6_4-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Boliang Zhu, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael Barth Berkman, Thesis Honors Advisor