Andrea Marie Mastro, Thesis Supervisor Andrea Marie Mastro, Thesis Supervisor Chen Pei David Tu, Thesis Honors Advisor Scott Brian Selleck, Faculty Reader
Sayers John Miller III, Thesis Supervisor Sayers John Miller III, Thesis Supervisor Stephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor Giampietro Luciano Vairo, Faculty Reader
The Synergistic Inhibition of Human Lung Cancer Cells by the Tea Polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and Clinically Prescribed Inhibitors of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase
Austin Jay Jaffe, Thesis Supervisor Austin Jay Jaffe, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Brent William Ambrose, Faculty Reader Austin Jay Jaffe, Thesis Honors Advisor
Dana Lynn Stuchul, Thesis Supervisor Katharine Lee Butler, Thesis Supervisor Dana Lynn Stuchul, Thesis Supervisor Daniel Roger Grow, Thesis Honors Advisor
Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Supervisor Dr. Wayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor Patrick Carmen Cirino, Faculty Reader
Robert Graham Melton, Thesis Supervisor Robert Graham Melton, Thesis Supervisor David Bradley Spencer, Faculty Reader Dr. George A Lesieutre, Thesis Honors Advisor