7571. The Effect of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Apoptosis, and Genomic Instability. Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Vaneman, Zachary Title: The Effect of Matrix Viscoelasticity on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Apoptosis, and Genomic Instability. Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Disease ProgressionEpithelial-Mesenchymal TransitionCell MigrationViscoelastic Hydrogels File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Esther Gomez, Thesis SupervisorMichael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
7572. Evaluating Random Forest Model Performance in Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation Across Puerto Rico Open Access Author: Vitti, Caden Title: Evaluating Random Forest Model Performance in Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation Across Puerto Rico Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Puerto Ricoresiliencemicrogridrandom forestsolar powerclimate change File: Download Evaluating_Random_Forest_Model_Performance_in_Predicting_Photovoltaic_Power_Generation_Across_Puerto_Rico.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Renee Obringer, Thesis SupervisorNelson Yaw Dzade, Thesis Honors Advisor
7573. Pass the Plate: An Exploratory Study of the Extent to Which Media Representation of Food has the Ability to Create an Ingroup Among First-Generation Americans Open Access Author: Vitoc, Lidia Title: Pass the Plate: An Exploratory Study of the Extent to Which Media Representation of Food has the Ability to Create an Ingroup Among First-Generation Americans Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: foodethnic foodculturefirst-generation americanamerican studiesmedia studiesfood studies File: Download Final_Draft__UPDATED__-_Copy__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maggie Messitt, Thesis SupervisorJohn R Affleck, Thesis Honors Advisor
7574. Enemies of the States: A Comparative Analysis of the Visual Depictions of America's Enemies (Real or Imagined) During World Wars I and II Open Access Author: Vento, Jackson Title: Enemies of the States: A Comparative Analysis of the Visual Depictions of America's Enemies (Real or Imagined) During World Wars I and II Area of Honors: History Keywords: World War IWorld War IIPropagandaPosters File: Download VentoFinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dan Letwin, Thesis SupervisorJacob F. Lee, Thesis Honors Advisor
7575. What is the Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the Incidence of Accounting Fraud? Open Access Author: Vanriele, Victoria Title: What is the Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the Incidence of Accounting Fraud? Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: businessbusiness ethicsaccountingaccounting fraudimpact of teaching business ethics File: Download Final_Schreyer_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ed Ketz, Thesis SupervisorSamuel Burton Bonsall, IV, Thesis Honors Advisor
7576. Single-Print Rolling Contact Joints to Minimize Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Fingers Open Access Author: Wilson, Mary Title: Single-Print Rolling Contact Joints to Minimize Fatigue in Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Fingers Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: compliant mechanismsrolling contact jointprostheticsprosthetic finger jointsengineering designTPUcontact-aided jointfinger jointsadditive manufacturing3d printing3d-printmechanical designfatigue analysisjoint fatigue File: Download SHC_THESIS_-_Mary_K._Wilson.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jared Butler, Thesis SupervisorMargaret Louise Byron, Thesis Honors Advisor
7577. Thermodynamic Parameters of Non-Watson-Crick Base Paired Structures in In-vitro and In-Vivo-Like Conditions Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Winemiller, Atlas Title: Thermodynamic Parameters of Non-Watson-Crick Base Paired Structures in In-vitro and In-Vivo-Like Conditions Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: RNAthermodynamicsnon-Watson-Crickin vivo-like File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Philip C Bevilacqua, Thesis SupervisorStewart Anthony Mallory, Thesis Honors AdvisorElizabeth A Jolley, Faculty Reader
7578. Economic Interconnectedness and Global Justice: Rethinking Compatriot Partiality Open Access Author: Willner, Cael Title: Economic Interconnectedness and Global Justice: Rethinking Compatriot Partiality Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: Political PhilosophyPhilosophyEconomicsImmigration File: Download Final_Cael_P._Willner_Thesis_Submission_4_14.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Desiree Y Lim, Thesis SupervisorBrady Bowman, Thesis Honors Advisor
7579. Full Information Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Zero Forcing Open Access Author: Willman, Mason Title: Full Information Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Zero Forcing Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: graph theoryzero forcinginteger programming File: Download Full_Information_Model.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Thomas Robert Cameron, Thesis SupervisorWen-Li Wang, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoseph Peter Previte, Faculty Reader
7580. Financial Education Informs Literacy Through Mandates Open Access Author: Wilkins, Mikayla Title: Financial Education Informs Literacy Through Mandates Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: financial literacymandated financial educationNFCS File: Download Mikayla_-_Honors_Thesis__Final_Version_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ewout Verriest, Thesis SupervisorNima Haghpanah, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader